Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post

Mwa ha ha ha ha....


Originally Posted by Moon View Post
Hey its me moon some of you might know me as dragonmonk or not i mean i am dick buddies with k0hta so you might know me but yeah im new to the clan i mean k0hta said most of you where like faggots but dont worry i told him no and put him back in his cage with his leash, the leash is pretty nice it has his name and everything, but im getting of topic so yeah im moon im a 10th dan almost master belt, i have played this game for about 4 years and uh i mean k0hta is a good dick sucker. thats the end to my introduction post :P

Eyyy! Welcome~ It's nice to have you aboard

Originally Posted by BasicPunch View Post
50 pages guys. 50 fucking pages.

We did it all for you Basic-bae c ;

Originally Posted by jyhgtfreds View Post
omg ._. This is hell

I have to agree with Diuway; This is infinitely worse than hell. And the best part is, we all get to rot here together~

Originally Posted by SafeHax View Post
K0HTA i still won't be in this clan ._.

Err... who are you? .-.
Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
Basic,long time no see.Thought you were dead.

No, you are dead

I'm always on the 5k tourney bby.

Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Mwa ha ha ha ha....


Eyyy! Welcome~ It's nice to have you aboard

We did it all for you Basic-bae c ;

I have to agree with Diuway; This is infinitely worse than hell. And the best part is, we all get to rot here together~

Err... who are you? .-.

I won't rot though,I'm divine.
And that guy might be some clan invitation begger or something like that..
Originally Posted by Alterations View Post
I will write a paragraph to each one of you like I did kouta!

I actually want this. Please senpai, punish me ;o
Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
I won't rot though,I'm divine.
And that guy might be some clan invitation begger or something like that..

And I wouldn't be surprised if he is. I've never heard Don mention him to me before, and I feel like I would know if Don was begging people to join.
Last edited by pouffy; Jul 21, 2015 at 03:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Is there even such a server? Well I don't really care since I get an average of 6-9k each match in the betting servers. xD
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
I actually want this. Please senpai, punish me ;o

And I wouldn't be surprised if he is. I've never heard Don mention him to me before, and I feel like I would know if Don was begging people to join.

True,well he'll have to go through strict app measures from me,ay.
Btw,why don't I have power for sending inv. and war inv.? Even though I am in my position?
Last edited by DiuwayBuns; Jul 21, 2015 at 03:52 PM. Reason: Because I fucking care about grammatical errors and typos
Originally Posted by SafeHax View Post
K0HTA i still won't be in this clan ._.

Guys this is your future clan mate, he for some reason thinks he won't be joining us, but I think he's just playing hard to get. Don't worry though if he refuses to leave his old clan for us willingly I will eventually use force and kidnap him from his family and friends for a long "conversation". Fell free to stalk him with me.
Last edited by Kohta; Jul 21, 2015 at 04:59 PM.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •
Don... remind me... the clan rules do say that if we see you banned for any reason, you will be kicked... right?

Originally Posted by K0HTA View Post
Guys this is your future clan mate, he for some reason thinks he won't be joining us, but I think he's just playing hard to get. Don't worry though if he refuses to leave his old clan for us willingly I will eventually use force and kidnap him from his family and friends for a long "conversation". Fell free to stalk him with me.

Hmmmm... seems sketchy.... you're designating a lot of people as future clan mates/clan mate these days.
Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
Is there even such a server? Well I don't really care since I get an average of 6-9k each match in the betting servers. xD

True,well he'll have to go through strict app measures from me,ay.
Btw,why don't I have power for sending inv. and war inv.? Even though I am in my position?

I must have forgotten to press the button after setting your perms... I'll fix that now.....
Last edited by pouffy; Jul 21, 2015 at 05:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Don... remind me... the clan rules do say that if we see you banned for any reason, you will be kicked... right?

Hmmmm... seems sketchy.... you're designating a lot of people as future clan mates/clan mate these days.

I must have forgotten to press the button after setting your perms... I'll fix that now.....

well you say thats a lot of people, but I am to dictate the world one day with you, so really its a small amount of people compared to that.

Also banned for what? you seem like your insinuating towards something.
AnimePlanetMyAnimeListDiscord: Kohta#1577 • NikosTunaPouffyAubreyGuessTenRythm
• No longer "active" on Toribash. Leave a PM if you need something, I'll eventually see it. •
• Crippled/Disabled girls are the best girls a guy could have. •