Hi so to be clear plz follow the rules on the first thread and add the replays If you folow the rules you have a higher chance to get in the clan we don't really want to keep asking the same thing over and over so plz just read the first thread thank you <3
Last edited by fragray; Apr 14, 2015 at 01:06 PM.
Hello,My name is James i live at around GMT +5 and i am just a replay maker i am a 6th dan coming very close to 7th dan i'm 15 years old and i make reaction videos weekly if not just not frequently enough my Skype name is jamest0ribash so we can talk and have fun ^-^ also i will help out as i said before replaymaking,Marketability,and donating by the way i am a high rank in abd being in the top 100 in that mod also here are some replays of mine in case you wanna know what i do in single player:
Attached Files
focus.rpl (131.6 KB, 9 views)
just for the lols.rpl (164.9 KB, 9 views)
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
i accept your app ;) good replays try and stay active you will be on trial for a couple of weeks ;) then if we like you we will keep you but good start
Real name: Benjamin
Age: 15
Nationality: American
Belt: Blue (Was previously 5th dan on TheEpic11)
Can you be on 24 hours a week?: Unless something special is going on, I should be able to.
Skype Name: Benjamin Williams
do you use teamspeak?: Yes
How can you help the clan?: I can make decent head textures, record videos, etc..
Timezone: CST, GMT -5
Forum activity: 7/10
Ingame activity: 9/10
Mods you're best at: Judo, Greykido, Akido, Mushu, Ninjutsu
Who sent you here: Toribash server , xRegaila and fragray
Previous clans: Demons, Tenno (both on main)
Bans: None
Why you want to join Flip: I have seen that this clan is a very skilled clan and I think I have what it takes to join the ranks and help us be the best clan we can be.
Real name: Dylan
About me: I love judo i'm a purple belt cause japan doesn't reconize kids as brown and black belts.I won 2 golds 1 silver national titles.I if i'm not doing j
judo i'm running track.
Toribash:i started when i was 9 so in 2012 im also very active.
Skype: None
I have been a big fan of this clan since i saw one of you're former members pinkiepie.
MY country: i live in the USA.
Originally Posted by Sirzechs View Post
Real name: Benjamin
Age: 15
Nationality: American
Belt: Blue (Was previously 5th dan on TheEpic11)
Can you be on 24 hours a week?: Unless something special is going on, I should be able to.
Skype Name: Benjamin Williams
do you use teamspeak?: Yes
How can you help the clan?: I can make decent head textures, record videos, etc..
Timezone: CST, GMT -5
Forum activity: 7/10
Ingame activity: 9/10
Mods you're best at: Judo, Greykido, Akido, Mushu, Ninjutsu
Who sent you here: Toribash server , xRegaila and fragray
Previous clans: Demons, Tenno (both on main)
Bans: None
Why you want to join Flip: I have seen that this clan is a very skilled clan and I think I have what it takes to join the ranks and help us be the best clan we can be.

the app looks really good, i vote yes if add some replays and you promise to be active on our clan thread ^-^
acjudoka and Sirzechs :no folloe da foking rules in the first page. why everyone ignore it?
look james's app
Last edited by Darkerharder; Apr 26, 2015 at 05:53 PM.
just a fancy signature
here we go!
Hello there! My name is Benjamin Williams, and I am 15. I am of American nationality and in toribash, I am a blue belt. I can be on 24 hours a week and my skype name is my real name, just so you know. I also use teamspeak if anyone uses that. I can make decent head textures for us, record videos, and more! My timezone is GMT -5. If I had to rate my forum activity, I would give it a 7/10. It really depends on what's going on. My ingame actvitity would be about a 9/10 because I am very active. Im best at mods like Judo, Greykido, Mushu, Ninjutsu, and Akido. I was introduced by fragray and xRegaila. My previous clans are Demons and Tenno, which were both on my main account, TheEpic11, who is a 5th dan. I have no bans. I want to join this clan because I have seen how good they are and I want to join the ranks and help everyone be the best they can be in any way possible.


Until later!