Originally Posted by sledgren View Post
Hello members of Vibe, my name is Sledgren and today I will be explaining why I want to join Vibe.

Well to start off I will give a quick back round of my toribash life. I originally played on an account named kerrster, but changed to this one early 2014. I am currently a 5th dan black belt, and have a lot of clan experience. From yellow to black belt, I was in around 3-4 clans. (I was a previous member of Vibe, too!). Once I was a black belt, I made (Bomb). I was the leader there for 9 months, but left due to issues in the clan and a lack of leadership on my part. Next, I went to Idle/ICE for a few months. Sadly, they recently died. So now I turn to Vibe once again, but why?

To start off I am great friends with the leader Sparkyau. It would be really cool to be clan mates with you again, and now I come back to you with something you can benefit off of. I have a lot more experience as a player, and can offer skills in war. I have a lot of clan experience, as a leader none the less. My clan Bomb failed an official application as well. I am willing to help you guys achieve official next time with experience and expertise as a previous leader of a clan.

Thanks for reading guys, hope you consider me as your next Vibe member.

Sounds pretty solid to me dude. Sold me on becoming official.

Good to see you have some handy experience and are obviously an active member of TB.

Yes from me.
About real life things:
My real name is tommy and live in denmark. i also dont have any real life friends because there useless and i dont want friends. unless its popular peoble sorry if this was to short i didnt have anymore ideas for this one.

About toribash things:
My belt is 2rd dan black belt and my favorite mods are aikido,aikidobigdojo,judofrac,mushu and wushu. i also do not have any alts accounts. my previous clans are shadow,shock and spy i left shadow because it was dead and i left shock because the clan thread was wrong and i also left spy because i wanted a better clan like vibe sorry if this was also to short. here is my player card http: My win ratio is 73.71.
just in case if you thought it was 13.71

About my toribash history:
I found toribash by watching jermas toribash video. and then i watched more toribash videos so i downloaded it. after that all i did was do singleplayer for a few mounths. after the few mounths i started to give multiplayer a try and i liked it.

All text in one piece
My real name is tommy and live in denmark. i also dont have any real life friends because there useless and i dont want friends. unless its popular peoble sorry if this was to short i didnt have anymore ideas for this one.
My belt is 2rd dan black belt and my favorite mods are aikido,aikidobigdojo,judofrac,mushu and wushu. i also do not have any alts accounts. my previous clans are shadow,shock and spy i left shadow because it was dead and i left shock because the clan thread was wrong and i also left spy because i wanted a better clan like vibe sorry if this was also to short. here is my player card http: My win ratio is 73.71.just in case if you thought it was 13.71.
I found toribash by watching jermas toribash video. and then i watched more toribash videos so i downloaded it. after that all i did was do singleplayer for a few mounths. after the few mounths i started to give multiplayer a try and i liked it.

here are some replays that i didnt have a name for so i just typed random things
Attached Files
The returner.rpl (82.8 KB, 7 views)
The air hitter.rpl (101.4 KB, 7 views)
the gravity spinner.rpl (73.6 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by jkawig; Jun 12, 2015 at 07:23 PM.
You seem like a pretty chill guy, I see no issues from a staff point of view. I'd be happy to invite you, we should meet in-game at some point and put them aikido skills to the test!
I'll say yes
Hello everyone my name is Aaron. I'm 17 years old, born in December. I originally lived in New York for 16 years of my life and have recently just moved to Arizona. I work a job, I skate in my free time, and I like to play Toribash in my freetime. Alright so now that you know a little bit about me, I'm going to cover everything that this application requires. I have been playing Toribash on and off since 2008. I have recently rejoined the community and have been active once again and I am here to stay. I currently rank as a 3rd dan black belt. I plan on reaching 4th dan soon.Alright, so lets talk about which mods I prefer and excel in.I enjoy many miscellaneous mods but competitively my top 3 favorite would be wushu, aikido, and judo. I'd also like to mention that I do not have any alternative accounts. As far as previous clans I have been involved in iCoF. Amazing clan with many great players. There was nothing wrong with the clan, it's just that many of its players became inactive. You may or may not remember iCoF from awhile back.After iCoF was done and over with I had no where to put my time and effort into. I enjoy having a community and I love contributing. Aside from all of that all I want is a clan with good vibes, therefore that's why I think vibe would be the best clan for myself. I'm also going to attach two replays of myself in game so you can get an idea of how I play as well. I know this is a lot of information so I appreciate your time and consideration.
Attached Files
Close combat.rpl (96.4 KB, 7 views)
Simple head decap (WUSHU).rpl (43.8 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by lelush; Jun 14, 2015 at 10:27 AM.
Back from the dead.
Originally Posted by jkawig View Post
About real life things:
My real name is tommy and live in denmark. i also dont have any real life friends because there useless and i dont want friends. unless its popular peoble sorry if this was to short i didnt have anymore ideas for this one.

About toribash things:
My belt is 2rd dan black belt and my favorite mods are aikido,aikidobigdojo,judofrac,mushu and wushu. i also do not have any alts accounts. my previous clans are shadow,shock and spy i left shadow because it was dead and i left shock because the clan thread was wrong and i also left spy because i wanted a better clan like vibe sorry if this was also to short. here is my player card http: My win ratio is 73.71.
just in case if you thought it was 13.71

About my toribash history:
I found toribash by watching jermas toribash video. and then i watched more toribash videos so i downloaded it. after that all i did was do singleplayer for a few mounths. after the few mounths i started to give multiplayer a try and i liked it.

All text in one piece
My real name is tommy and live in denmark. i also dont have any real life friends because there useless and i dont want friends. unless its popular peoble sorry if this was to short i didnt have anymore ideas for this one.
My belt is 2rd dan black belt and my favorite mods are aikido,aikidobigdojo,judofrac,mushu and wushu. i also do not have any alts accounts. my previous clans are shadow,shock and spy i left shadow because it was dead and i left shock because the clan thread was wrong and i also left spy because i wanted a better clan like vibe sorry if this was also to short. here is my player card http: My win ratio is 73.71.just in case if you thought it was 13.71.
I found toribash by watching jermas toribash video. and then i watched more toribash videos so i downloaded it. after that all i did was do singleplayer for a few mounths. after the few mounths i started to give multiplayer a try and i liked it.

here are some replays that i didnt have a name for so i just typed random things

Sorry dude, it's a no from me at this point. Obviously everyone else will pitch their votes. Personally, I'd say try again in a few months if you're still interested.

All the best.

Originally Posted by lelush View Post
Hello everyone my name is Aaron. I'm 17 years old, born in December. I originally lived in New York for 16 years of my life and have recently just moved to Arizona. I work a job, I skate in my free time, and I like to play Toribash in my freetime. Alright so now that you know a little bit about me, I'm going to cover everything that this application requires. I have been playing Toribash on and off since 2008. I have recently rejoined the community and have been active once again and I am here to stay. I currently rank as a 3rd dan black belt. I plan on reaching 4th dan soon.Alright, so lets talk about which mods I prefer and excel in.I enjoy many miscellaneous mods but competitively my top 3 favorite would be wushu, aikido, and judo. I'd also like to mention that I do not have any alternative accounts. As far as previous clans I have been involved in iCoF. Amazing clan with many great players. There was nothing wrong with the clan, it's just that many of its players became inactive. You may or may not remember iCoF from awhile back.After iCoF was done and over with I had no where to put my time and effort into. I enjoy having a community and I love contributing. Aside from all of that all I want is a clan with good vibes, therefore that's why I think vibe would be the best clan for myself. I'm also going to attach two replays of myself in game so you can get an idea of how I play as well. I know this is a lot of information so I appreciate your time and consideration.

You seem pretty cool dude. Yes from me pending other members votes.
I hope that you stay active both in-game and on forums.
Belt: Brown
Comp Mods: Judo, Aikido, Joustingfixed, Mushu & Wushu
Alts: I have no alts
Prev clans: None

I may only be a brown belt, but remember: Belt dosen't matter. I'm surprisngly good for a Brown

Real Name: Emily
Age: 18
Something cool: Uhhh.. one thing... my handwriting..? ;_;
Don't know how to show a replay or my player card >_>
Skype: james.cookie2
(my brother named it...)
Country: Great Britain