Name: Finell0 (IRL name told if needed)
Age: 17
Forum activity (?/10): Because im studying, i have to say 5/10
Ingame activity: Because of im studying, i have to say 5/10
Main account (if alt): Imasparrow
Why did you make alt?: I dont like the name
Belt of main: Brown-Black
Skills: Every form of aikido, Wushu, Mushu, Brushu, all these wushu "copies"
How long have you been playing?: Since 2010 (Singleplayer 1-2 years, because no internet connection)
Where are you from?: Finland
Timezone: -2 GMT
Other information: I play usually on weekends only, because of school, Weekends are so called "nolife" for me. Some weekends i have to read for school and such, so, hope you accept me!
Hey rust im Karmaf and i would love to join your clan
I started playing toribash 1 year ago, i'm a black belt and i can speak english fine.
my win% is 53 my favorite mods are aikidobigdojo, aikido and i love to just play fun mods sometimes. I promise if i join rust i will always be respectful to other clan members.
Thanks for your time and hopefully i can play with you guys sometime
Originally Posted by rockyman View Post
Hi Uncle Told Me To Post An App So Here I Go..

Hi My name irl is maui im not allowed tell age and im usually active in forums well usually because of school and stuff.I am 2nd Dan Black Belt and forum active and ingame active too I understand english quite well.Im not american Im a filipino.I got banned once but not seriously banned I got banned by Sir in [rb] game because I died of Loneliness but I wish that is accepted to the clan.I always go to friend's houses and other places and countries that's why Im inactive for quite a while.Ive been in ascend fvipers and shield and drugged because alot of my friends are there Im not clan hopping it's bad to the forum economy.I stay for like 1 month or 2.I get friends quite easy.I want to join a clan because Ive been lone wolf since the time My old clan [Phantom] which is owned by Azuremage (once).The clan died because he got invited to [i]Inquisition I feel so lonely now.I found out [r]Rust was recruiting so I decided to go ahead and join.Uncle tested me.I lost all Matches which was really Embarassing but I never gave up but still I lost.Out of 5 matches I lost.Uncle - 5 Rockyman - 0.But Still he said Im Okay so he told me to write an app.And Here I am writing this app.So please take your time to think about it and please may I get results.


I really enjoyed reading your app. And as i was talking to you ingame, you're cool. I mean, you seem like a nice guy. Though i didn't like "I stay for like 1 month or 2". It's still a yes from me, though, i hope you'll stay for a long time.
And i liked that you always tried to win me. Not stopping etc.
Originally Posted by Finell0 View Post
Name: Finell0 (IRL name told if needed)
Age: 17
Forum activity (?/10): Because im studying, i have to say 5/10
Ingame activity: Because of im studying, i have to say 5/10
Main account (if alt): Imasparrow
Why did you make alt?: I dont like the name
Belt of main: Brown-Black
Skills: Every form of aikido, Wushu, Mushu, Brushu, all these wushu "copies"
How long have you been playing?: Since 2010 (Singleplayer 1-2 years, because no internet connection)
Where are you from?: Finland
Timezone: -2 GMT
Other information: I play usually on weekends only, because of school, Weekends are so called "nolife" for me. Some weekends i have to read for school and such, so, hope you accept me!

I said that the app is freeform, looks like you took this from somewhere. But, anyways, maybe you made it yourself. Well, anyways...
Kinda yes. Just get more posts.
Originally Posted by Karmaf View Post
Hey rust im Karmaf and i would love to join your clan
I started playing toribash 1 year ago, i'm a black belt and i can speak english fine.
my win% is 53 my favorite mods are aikidobigdojo, aikido and i love to just play fun mods sometimes. I promise if i join rust i will always be respectful to other clan members.
Thanks for your time and hopefully i can play with you guys sometime

Well, i didn't like this: . But, i guess it's okay as long as you'll be active and post here.
Kinda yes. Just get more posts.
Last edited by Uncle; Aug 10, 2013 at 08:58 PM.
Hey...umm well i was playing with u uncle and u banned me from your server after i bet u like 3 times because i didn't tell u what my main was because well i really didn't know. But i asked around and now i do know what that means. I do have another account its a brown belt called BifocalFan and he has around 400 tc and my new account the one i played u with. I've had him from around 2-3 days now and i've earned around 1200 tc with him. Sorry for not telling u before, this is all really new to me because I've had the game for like a week and i really have know idea what most of the technical talk means. U know i have skill so if u read this please un ban me from you server let me join and hopefully we can talk this out and maybe i can join your clan.
Originally Posted by Bifocal View Post
Hey...umm well i was playing with u uncle and u banned me from your server after i bet u like 3 times because i didn't tell u what my main was because well i really didn't know. But i asked around and now i do know what that means. I do have another account its a brown belt called BifocalFan and he has around 400 tc and my new account the one i played u with. I've had him from around 2-3 days now and i've earned around 1200 tc with him. Sorry for not telling u before, this is all really new to me because I've had the game for like a week and i really have know idea what most of the technical talk means. U know i have skill so if u read this please un ban me from you server let me join and hopefully we can talk this out and maybe i can join your clan.

Well, okay, sorry for that. Thought you were just lying 'n shit. Anyways, you're a good player. I hope you'll be active and i'll see you ingame someday.
Kinda no-yes because of postcount.
Last edited by Uncle; Aug 10, 2013 at 08:55 PM.
LETGOOF's Application
Let's just start off by saying, I've already been tested in game, and was told to put in a recruitment application.
I started playing Toribash around 2 years ago, and have been through many accounts, for I have forgotten many passwords :P. This is now my permanent account, and I've bought over 100k TC on it, but have not spent it all, because I'm still thinking of a theme to be playing by for me. I would really like to be in this clan, for many reasons, but the main ones I'll list.
1. I've been looking for a stable, and commited clan.
2. I'm joining to test my abilities and too learn more.
3. You never stop learning, and this is why I'm here.
So, I'm 16 and I've played alot. My rank isn't the best, but I'm not a straight up noob. I know many mechanics within Toribash, and Physics. I hope I get in.
Hey guys

Here's my app to join rust...
I speak great english its mostly what i talk. I joined a recruit server for rust and got approved and told to right a app so yea. My name is Parker im 14 years old and i live in Illinois. Im mostly a gamer but i do a wrestling and football. Im a blackbelt in toribash. My rank is 10k [used to be 1k but stopped playing for a while.] my favorite and bets mods are akido, judo and wushu. ive been playing toribash for 4 years.

Originally Posted by LETGOOF View Post
Let's just start off by saying, I've already been tested in game, and was told to put in a recruitment application.
I started playing Toribash around 2 years ago, and have been through many accounts, for I have forgotten many passwords :P. This is now my permanent account, and I've bought over 100k TC on it, but have not spent it all, because I'm still thinking of a theme to be playing by for me. I would really like to be in this clan, for many reasons, but the main ones I'll list.
1. I've been looking for a stable, and commited clan.
2. I'm joining to test my abilities and too learn more.
3. You never stop learning, and this is why I'm here.
So, I'm 16 and I've played alot. My rank isn't the best, but I'm not a straight up noob. I know many mechanics within Toribash, and Physics. I hope I get in.

Yeah, not bad, those are not that bad reasons. But, i'm not sure. Postcount, comic sans. Yeah, but, you're playing kinda good.
So, anyways,
Kinda no
Originally Posted by thedarklord1228 View Post
Hey guys

Here's my app to join rust...
I speak great english its mostly what i talk. I joined a recruit server for rust and got approved and told to right a app so yea. My name is Parker im 14 years old and i live in Illinois. Im mostly a gamer but i do a wrestling and football. Im a blackbelt in toribash. My rank is 10k [used to be 1k but stopped playing for a while.] my favorite and bets mods are akido, judo and wushu. ive been playing toribash for 4 years.


Your English isn't the worst. But still, it's kinda no from me because of your postcount. We really needa active members. We'll see answer from other voters.
Last edited by Uncle; Aug 10, 2013 at 08:56 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
btw in my app i forgot to mention im a very active poster
sorry for the misunderstanding that i had to include that
Last edited by thedarklord1228; Aug 10, 2013 at 09:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump