^ Useless posting
so anyone else online except Scor, Mega , Chintu and I?
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.

Double post u britsh^
And why are u calling yourself a useless poster?!
Skitz I am willing to take that toxic relax of your hand
U still have it?
3.2k(market is 4k;/ so mine is too good for u
I am starting to get money again from marketing(got 4k only from,300 tc(good enough for a start))

Sent From The Future Using A Time Machine
Last edited by scorpionma; Mar 16, 2015 at 06:16 AM.
INB4 14 days ban
I did not say i am a double also
so make it 3.5k
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.

Nope ,3.4 I sent them
Also I scammed u with 1tc HaHA
Hope I don't get banned :/

Sent From The Future Using A Time Machine
INB4 14 days ban
he is hyuns so dont bitch out like ERMA GAWD
also its 3rd dan yayayaya
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.

What u just joined this shiy
U have to wait some time to get promoted
U gotta EARN IT!!!
Send that botch skitz

Sent From The Future Using A Time Machine
INB4 14 days ban
it would be nice if you guys could join our irc channel its up and running #Its
yesterday me and skitz won a war against rising


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