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When we decide that a new lottery should be made.

That probably didn't help you in the slightest but that is the answer.
@ACIDTIGER, Dude, try to read things.
Originally Posted by ARMIN0 View Post
As you can see no lottery is running at the moment.
Also, ticket prices are different for each lottery.

EDIT: Ninja'd
:(){ :|: & };:
Okay, so we have two new lotteries up for you!

The first is for an icon texture, the tickets are 10k each, with a limit of 6 per person. 200 will be sold in total. You are required to have 200qi to enter this lottery.

The second is for a full 512x512 texture set. Again the tickets are 10K each, with a limit of 5 per person. 200 will be sold in total and the 200qi limit applies here as well. Note, when you win this you will only receive the head texture, the rest will be sent manually, allow 24 hours or so for this.

Good luck and have fun!