10/10, honestly that was rather groundbreaking according to my own musical taste. But, Slipknot, really? I feel terrible knowing that a high caliber member such as yourself was left with garbage duty. Really though, thanks for putting me on to another one of my new favorite rap collectives.

Last edited by Hypez; Jan 5, 2017 at 02:25 AM. Reason: But with that in mind, what's real? Keeping in mind and considering the way that you feel.
0/10 i hope that this rap battle thing is a joke

also please do tell how slipknot is cringy

or rather, more cringy than the steaming pile of shit you left above me
Last edited by Leanmarkie; Jan 5, 2017 at 02:39 AM.
0/10, it's undeniable, your musical palette does not match my own. Ultimately, I am saying that I hate your musical interests, and because of that, I think lower of you as an individual. I guess I have to save this thread once again, it's becoming too much of a task for me to handle. You should see it as a blessing, seeing as a walking youthful deity such as Shorts2007 himself has shed light upon your own musical solitude. Keep this in mind, and listen to the soundtrack.


no idea what I'm supposed to be listening to

5/10 for the intermission parts?

let's agree that we have different tastes in music, but I really do sincerely hope that the whole shorts2007 thing is a joke.

and honestly you shouldn't think lower of someone because of their musical tastes, lmfao
Last edited by Leanmarkie; Jan 5, 2017 at 02:56 AM.
2/10 it kinda sounds like a 4 year old playing a violin. idk, maybe i can't hear it. just sounds like someone smacking a violin.