Originally Posted by Kamil077 View Post

nub sig.

Guild Wars Factions Female Ritualist .

I actually bought this signature from a shop but Pirate offered more and the seller sold it to both of us, now according to Pirate, cause he's a ToriAgent I'm the one who's not allowed to use it .

Christmas Ghost Humans do not value their existence.
Originally Posted by SirusG View Post
Guild Wars Factions Female Ritualist .

I actually bought this signature from a shop but Pirate offered more and the seller sold it to both of us, now according to Pirate, cause he's a ToriAgent I'm the one who's not allowed to use it .

lol lol

which legend made that one ?
i wanna ask something ... if thread is old like 3 weeks and u post on it do u get suspend ? cuz my friend did that -.-
If you Love me , PM me.
no...comon sense please
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Lol, iamking, Sorry for cutting you off...
Nice, I like the font
Heres mine, I've used photoshop like 10 times, I hardly use it or gimp. Im not very artistic, But here's my tries
I changed the colours, Idk which one looks best
Orangie green
Red orange and black
Green and black
Im pretty proud of myself, lol....
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