Originally Posted by DEAD6IX View Post
Belt: Brown
Bans, infractions, or warnings: None
Past clans and why you left them: None
Anyone you know in this clan: Clappers and KingM1K3
Why do you want us: I haven't been in a clan b4 so I wanna join a good clan
Why should we want you: Im good at lasting a few minutes before attacking an enemy without failing
Best mods: Classic, Aikido, Running, Greykido and Taekyyon
worst mods:
At least 150 words about yourself: Im a gamer, I play Toribash a lot, I like to multiplayer, play against my friends, I've been a gamer since i was 5, my first console was Playstation 1, My first game was Grand Theft auto vice city, I always got on to my PC and play it, whenever I was at my aunties house we would go to the internet Cafe and I would play GTA san andreas, and sometimes my mum would get me in trouble for playing gta. Hope that described me.
Your usercard:
14 Replays

I vote No. I wonder where that format is from, I see that exact layout all the time.
I thought I was a brown belt because in multiplayer it said in the public servers Min belt; Brown, and usually those servers are put up because of your belt level
Originally Posted by Koco934 View Post
I vote No. I wonder where that format is from, I see that exact layout all the time.

This is my first post, I don't know how to do the spoiler thingy I just did as it said in the Thread, So don't judge me
Last edited by DEAD6IX; Sep 13, 2015 at 05:25 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Koco934 View Post
I vote No. I wonder where that format is from, I see that exact layout all the time.

It's actually our old format. I'm assuming he just read the first few posts and copied the form, not realizing that we've switched to a free form style.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
My name is Krypt0nic and my real name is Eli. I am a green belt, but keep in mind I just started again because someone has hacked my old account, I was 20 games away from 2nd dan. I've never been warned or banned or anything. I've been in 2 other clans one I was made in, and the other I helped a friend get his started. I don't really know anybody but i have played with KingM1K3, and clappers .I want to join this clan, I want a loyal clan that I can have fun with no matter what mod i may be playing with you guys if I get accepted .Why would you want me: well i'm a versatile player I think i can do decent at any mod as long as i know the parameters of the mod. My best mods are: well I can do decent at almost all mods but i'm exceptional at boxshu, and mushu
Worst mods : I don't know, like I said i'm a versatile player
i would send you guys some replays but I don't know how to and with my PC, I don't know if I could anyway.
About me? Well I like toribash, more so playing with friends, my parents are divorced so I cant be on all day everyday but i will try to get on when I can. I'm a blonde so it might take me a little bit to get any jokes made. I play a Bass guitar, I listen to Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Shinedown, and other music along that genre. I live in Texas, I'm sorry i don't know what time zone that is. I hope this wasn't a joke but better safe than sorry right? Thank you for reading my application.
Last edited by Krypt0nic; Sep 13, 2015 at 08:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Krypt0nic View Post
My name is Krypt0nic/ real name is Eli
I am a green belt, but keep in mind i just started again because someone has hacked my old account, i was 20 games away from 2nd dan
I've never been warned or banned or anything really
I've been in 2 other clans one i was made in and the other i helped a friend get his started
i dont really know anybody but i have played with KingM1K3, and clappers
i want to join this clan, i want a loyal clan that i can have fun with no matter what mod i may be playing with you guys if i get accepted\
Why would you want me: well i'm good at anything with a shu at the end of it, and i can play aikido well, im not the best tho
my best mods are: well i can do decent at almost all mods but i'm exceptional at boxshu/mushu
worst mods : um I don't know, like i said i'm a versatile player
i would send you guys some replays but I don't know how to and with my PC I don't know if i could anyway
I'm looking at the other apps and one of you said you don't care about our personal life situation so should i say some words about me ? please tell me
and i don't know if this was a joke but better safe then sorry right? Thank you for reading my application
oh crap
i forgot to free-form it DX

Definite yes from me, good player, and Re-Wrote app for the greater good
Last edited by clappers; Sep 13, 2015 at 08:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Krypt0nic View Post
My name is Krypt0nic/ real name is Eli
I am a green belt, but keep in mind i just started again because someone has hacked my old account, i was 20 games away from 2nd dan
I've never been warned or banned or anything really
I've been in 2 other clans one i was made in and the other i helped a friend get his started
i dont really know anybody but i have played with KingM1K3, and clappers
i want to join this clan, i want a loyal clan that i can have fun with no matter what mod i may be playing with you guys if i get accepted\
Why would you want me: well i'm good at anything with a shu at the end of it, and i can play aikido well, im not the best tho
my best mods are: well i can do decent at almost all mods but i'm exceptional at boxshu/mushu
worst mods : um I don't know, like i said i'm a versatile player
i would send you guys some replays but I don't know how to and with my PC I don't know if i could anyway
I'm looking at the other apps and one of you said you don't care about our personal life situation so should i say some words about me ? please tell me
and i don't know if this was a joke but better safe then sorry right? Thank you for reading my application
oh crap
i forgot to free-form it DX

Yes, Good person, Humorous , Edited his post for the better I like him what you guys think?
Last edited by KingM1K3; Sep 13, 2015 at 08:34 PM.
For Revenge I WANT BLOOD
My in game name is Mykecrym , Mickaël in real life.I'm a black belt and i've never been banned of anything else.
I have never been in any clan , i tried to go in some clans but i was always rejected .I don't know anyone in this clan , but i saw some Apex members in rooms , they look friendly.I want you cause i want to progress and reach a higher level , i always wanted to be in a clan and represent it in wars !
I think you should wan me cause I'm a good fighter and i'm often on Toribash , i can be a good friend too.
My favorite mods are Mushu , Wushu , Boxshu-Mushu. I'm learning abd , lengshu and ninjutsu.
I'm 14 years old and i love games ! You don't care of my life so , i won't tell you more about me. I don't know how to send replay , i'll send you some when i'll know how ^^. I play Toribash a lot when i'm not on other games ! Thank you for reading my Application !
Last edited by Mykecrym; Sep 13, 2015 at 09:23 PM. Reason: Forget to Free Form
Originally Posted by Mykecrym View Post
My in game name is Mykecrym , Mickaël in real life.I'm a black belt and i've never been banned of anything else.
I have never been in any clan , i tried to go in some clans but i was always rejected .I don't know anyone in this clan , but i saw some Apex members in rooms , they look friendly.I want you cause i want to progress and reach a higher level , i always wanted to be in a clan and represent it in wars !
I think you should wan me cause I'm a good fighter and i'm often on Toribash , i can be a good friend too.
My favorite mods are Mushu , Wushu , Boxshu-Mushu. I'm learning abd , lengshu and ninjutsu.
I'm bad in Judo , parkour but i can try to learn them.
My name is Mickaël , i'm 14 years old and i love games ! You don't care of my life so , i won't tell you more about me. I don't know how to send replay , i'll send you some when i'll know how ^^. I play Toribash a lot when i'm not on other games ! Thank you for reading my Application !

No, Little effort doesnt tell me much of this person but the average I am good and a nice person I like the members let me join app.
For Revenge I WANT BLOOD
Originally Posted by Mykecrym View Post
My in game name is Mykecrym , Mickaël in real life.I'm a black belt and i've never been banned of anything else.
I have never been in any clan , i tried to go in some clans but i was always rejected .I don't know anyone in this clan , but i saw some Apex members in rooms , they look friendly.I want you cause i want to progress and reach a higher level , i always wanted to be in a clan and represent it in wars !
I think you should wan me cause I'm a good fighter and i'm often on Toribash , i can be a good friend too.
My favorite mods are Mushu , Wushu , Boxshu-Mushu. I'm learning abd , lengshu and ninjutsu.
I'm 14 years old and i love games ! You don't care of my life so , i won't tell you more about me. I don't know how to send replay , i'll send you some when i'll know how ^^. I play Toribash a lot when i'm not on other games ! Thank you for reading my Application !

Neutral, Not proper grammar, No interest of telling us about yourself
Hello, I'm Sparrow201 and i'm applying for Apex, My in-game name is well, Sparrow201, I'm a blue belt in toribash and I play toribash from 2-5 hours a day most of the time, In my spare time I play football or read books, I usuaully play Aikido, boxshu/mushu and some fun mods from time to time, I hope this application is sufficient, If you have any questions, you can find me in-game, PM me or reply.
I was smoking weed when I did it, Don't blame me.