Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
aw, too bad ara, evil is pretty

evil heuehueheuheuehuehu


Originally Posted by Gyke View Post
talk about an ANGLE of perspective

oh boi, thats the point

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
hey baby, glad to see you around! we're all fairly quiet expect when ara(kata) busts down the front door and forces us back into activity :P

ara aka pain in vector's ass

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
this a meme already

for sure it is

Originally Posted by Karbn View Post
arakata i think was known for his awesome TK skills, and he's an excellent sparrer.

at least, that's what i remember. i could be wrong

i feel honored, but i am not that awesome/excellent. always trying to become anyway.

Originally Posted by Gyke View Post
One of the best.
Attachment below.

glad to see someone still remembering this
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
Who were you?
I was in MAU too

Draigoon12 bb
Bquadz, Ray, Lust, You, Arakata, Oxide, Onsola, Grossex
Originally Posted by Gyke View Post
Draigoon12 bb
Bquadz, Ray, Lust, You, Arakata, Oxide, Onsola, Grossex

ohhhh booi i miss you
hey man! not bad, i've been able to get a day off of work. i've been practicing my irl tricking, but it's so hot here lately
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by BabyJ2kr View Post
Hey peoples how's everyone's day going?

quite quiet, what about yours?
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
quite quiet, what about yours?

TBH I'm one happy child I got off work really early so now I get to do alot of nothing <~ Totally not a replay thread; Hi I'm sam