Hey all, My name is patrick I'm 13 years old I'm an indonesian ,blackbelt at toribash green at real life,I like playing soccer and I would like to join this clan because the player all pro and friendly I like aikido BD,aikido,wushu,and some random mod
Nothing here
Patrick you've been in 2 of the 3 clans I've made you will be on trial member until i test you out.
👹 Bushido Member 👹
that app sucked doe. i say no to patrick he has to re do it. but ihopz can approve his app and try him out if he wants.
I will try him out and yes patrick please redo your app and i will look over it.
👹 Bushido Member 👹
hi guys my name is Problemz and Julian in real life I am a black belt but I am an alt ( my main is Ultiment) because I forgot my password um I would like to join this clan because its getting cool tb players and yer I like to duel and my favourite mods are abd, aikido, ninjutsu and sparring mods um I am on mainly everyday in forums and ingame and yer I would like to see you ingame and be in your clan because I would like to join clans that are pro