Endurance Onslaught 6.0
BinkLawz: you can't report a dude because you don't like his feedback. The whole point of this thread is to ask for feedback, some of them are bound to be negative.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by Lopsin View Post
This is a pretty cool replay, but there are some things you need to work on. You are very, very jerky. You don't wind up or anything for any of your moves, and you just sort go from a neutral position straight to a grab or something. Also, they way you do your kip ups is very ridiculous. You say you want to be realistic but then you jump with your neck.

People always say to put the positive stuff first, so I flipped the last sentence with the rest.
I'm sorry if I came out harsh to you. I'm a very critical person; it's in my nature. But, don't just disregard someone's comments if they're negative. It seems to me that by asking for CnC, you don't really want the second C, you just want people to tell you that you're doing stuff well.
PS: I'm not a "jealous little nancy girl." You seem like someone that would believe a boy likes a girl if he's mean to her, or someone's gay if they call someone else gay. I'm not jealous if I think that someone could do better on a replay.
PSS: It's Lopsin, not lopskin.
I truly hope you learn to accept criticism. It really helps.
previously known as Lopsin
Hey Lopskin . Nah its ok man. To be honest it came out a bit harsh :P.
but thats ok. letters dont tell feleing right .

being critical is good. true true. especially with good intentions.
so no worries man.

and sorry for my offensive words aswell. thnks for givin me wakeup
snap to remember that critisism is a good thing

but lets try to choose sweeter words ok :P deffinitly me too
I tried to make a scene like IP MAN's scenes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Cb2d0ZUVs ) .. but unfortunatly i only get to fight one UKE at once.

this is my very attempt to do a traditional kungfu, based on movies and what i can myself. hope u like

does any one know if there is a mod where you fight more than one UKE?
or is it being suggested yet...
I tried to make a scene like IP MAN's scenes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Cb2d0ZUVs ) .. but unfortunatly i only get to fight one UKE at once.

this is my very attempt to do a traditional kungfu, based on movies and what i can myself. hope u like

does any one know if there is a mod where you fight more than one UKE?
or is it being suggested yet...
Last edited by BinkLawz; May 16, 2014 at 02:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
There is no such thing as a mod that can add more players. Mods just add objects. But, you can learn how to add more ukes with coding by going to this link.
previously known as Lopsin
Originally Posted by BinkLawz View Post
Unfortunatly, I just wont feel the need to take comments
seriously that comes from:

-players who gives 95% negative feedback. Thats just not proffessional
-players who themselves dont understand the concept of martial arts + 95%
negtve feedbck
-players who dont understand what im trying.
-players who tries to say that they know better by saying 'my way
is right and yours is so wrong. that while they themselfs do something
not interresting (in my opinion)

I just read mssges from those who understands or knows how to feedback,or from somone i might ever meet who moves his toribash like very very realistic based on existing moves ( a real master).. then i wil listen. For the rest who dont .. i really :P just dont care at all. i dont even read them :P

Firstly, there's nothing wrong with negative feedback. The whole point of a thread is for people to pick out your flaws so you can fix them. Honestly, you'll see lots of people bashing on other people because of their flaws here in the replay threads, but generally nobody takes it too harshly because it teaches them what to do.

While I do agree that people might have a different play-style from you, I also do think that you might be able to learn a thing or two from them. While your replays do have great potential, they're also very unpolished. Your movements and ideas are great but the execution isn't always perfect (You'll see everyone talking about the ridiculous amount of twitches that you do).

I see that you're trying to go for a realistic-martial arts kind of style, and that's fine. However, ignoring others just because they're "Not understanding" or just because they're not as good at realism isn't that great. Just because somebody can't pull off a move as well as a "master" might doesn't mean that they can't point out your flaws. For example, you could criticize a game that's horrible for it's graphics or gameplay or something even if you have no prior experience in game design.

I do agree with your opinion that there isn't a "right" way to do things. It's always worth a shot trying different things, though. If you don't agree with them, I think it's better if you try to point out why exactly you think your method is better, then listen to the response instead of completely ignoring advice.

Now, on to actual comments on your replays.

They're pretty good and unique, the moves you pull off are quite good. However, twitching is not good when it comes to realism and you might want to try slowing down to a stop rather than just suddenly holding everything. In my opinion, it's like you have the idea of what you want to do in mind but you can't pull it off perfectly. This is why you listen to people, so that they can help you polish off your moves so that they flow well/look good.

You pause too much in between hits, I get what you're trying for but instead of just making the toris look like statues, perhaps you could ease them into the next stance or make them appear still at least a little alive by relaxing some joints or something.

That's all I can talk about for now, feel free to comment on what I said earlier. We all want to help others improve, but that won't work if you just isolate yourself from all of us.
I do some videos
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Originally Posted by BinkLawz View Post
Hey Lopskin . Nah its ok man. To be honest it came out a bit harsh :P.
but thats ok. letters dont tell feleing right .

being critical is good. true true. especially with good intentions.
so no worries man.

and sorry for my offensive words aswell. thnks for givin me wakeup
snap to remember that critisism is a good thing

but lets try to choose sweeter words ok :P deffinitly me too

I tried to make a scene like IP MAN's scenes ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Cb2d0ZUVs ) .. but unfortunatly i only get to fight one UKE at once.

this is my very attempt to do a traditional kungfu, based on movies and what i can myself. hope u like

does any one know if there is a mod where you fight more than one UKE?
or is it being suggested yet...

http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=451048 3 people, one of them is this controllable dummy type thing. That's as close as you're going to get.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Hey I just came in here saying that your replays are cool, and are pretty creative. I wanted to show you a guy who has this crazy good hold all style (i can tell that some of your movements you kind of just hold your lower half, which isnt very good)


maybe you could learn some stuff from his replays because he makes it look good.
to Datskip:

Yeah i know enough about feed back man ^^ i actually meant that negative feedback is good. But thers a difference between negative feedback with good intention and
insulting. i like it when people say what can be done better or what they hope to see.
cuz toribash movements can never be realistic and perfect. the others wants to move
as fluid as possible and spin just to keep the flow, and some just wants to get in
to the right position of what they've learnd in real life. like me example .. I strived
to move my toribash based on Wushu southern style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_1B9RP7E3U and as you see, after a offence the point in this form is to hold steady
in the position and keep a few seconds pause. one of My goal is to get into stance. and belive me i find it hard too. but All i can do is try my best ^^. but really thanx for your comment. and please keep on commenting : )

to Internet:

hehe you too thnx for finding my replays cool andstff. and for the link as well. I
like his movements. for so far the most controld moves ive seen.
but so far i cant see a marshal art form wich is unfortuntly.
thats all i want to see in a movement. but thnx ill
keep wathching some of this dudes replays
Okay, I see what you're going for now.

However you're really twitchy getting into your stances (You do lots of unnecessary movements which don't add anything to the replay). I'd suggest you keep editing the replay until you get it on the first try instead of spazzing out for 30 frames to get into the spot.
I do some videos
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