Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
Since when was Hanz0 not an admin?

Whats a Hanz0?

Also hanz0 isn't an admin, hes higher then that.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
crux was also admin .
lsl was msquad, tsa, ircop, toriagent, uniteam. Still is blogger afaik, does not write articles though (no one does anyway. :v)
usimm was msquad, I think his name is fivah now.
I was msquad and in the clancouncil. Still have a blogger acco too I think.
bloob was gm and blogger.

sid still is blogger. At least he has an account and admin rights afaik.
They never get rid of those anyway

That's all I can think of right now.

thankee, all added, hopefully.

As ishi would say, damn lazy bloggers

Originally Posted by swetaros View Post
There was such group like "Market keepers". Don't know about colour.
EDIT: You also should try rubash's group of users.

Aye, that was at the bottom of the list, Approved YOUshop owners. Market keepers sounds pretty silly, because they only had approved YOUshops AKA they could sell stuff with no Qi restriction, they weren't some sort of Market gods ;o
hanz0 says: Yeah, I'm the only licensed Market-god around here.

Originally Posted by Glow View Post
Yo I was a GM, clan events team member, Uniteam, and new clan council member.

rittu was an admin

shin-ryuu was an admin

Clow was a trial GM and a 2nd Toriagent

Kyou was also a trial GM and 2nd Toriagent

Aye aye, all added

Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I was gray GK and pink GK. Rutz was pink GK, can't remember if gray too.

Sweetos, added

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Wasn't there a thread like this last year?

Anyway, you should totaly list the wibblecops and local mods.

Indeed there was, in the Wibbles.
In that thread we also tried local moderators, but nobody cares about them enough to remember who was one, so the list was empty other than the local moderators of that time.
and Wibblecops were Wibbles moderators, so it's not needed, either.

Originally Posted by Toast View Post
Market Squad
Megadoomer, Fargile, Rai, Crux, Redundant, Hyde, evets, Oyster, Lapsus, Monobi, Hxcbbqimo, Lebo, FNugget, surf, Fee, BirdFlu, and Tart.

I believe phail, carl were both Market Squad too.

BlackSugar was a clan council member.

Mwah was both a grey and pink gamekeeper.

If the "Ex-Marketeers" is referring to who was responsible for the marketeers account both Fee and Crux should be added to that list.

danke schön

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but wibbles was deleted... so yeah.

Toribash in a nutshell was also in Wibbles when it was deleted... ;o

Originally Posted by Handler View Post
Great information ! thanks
But, I think you forgot, Eddy and RedDevil, on ex-super moderators list.
ignore and i'm sorry, if I'm wrong.

Thou shalt not worry for thou art right. Added.

Originally Posted by sid View Post
also, should we really make ex council public?

why not ;o

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'm ex-second TA, and ex-msquad.

:(, people always forget hyde

Don't worry, you aren't the only one :p

Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post

Ex-Super Moderators

Pacman (MrPoison)

Ex-second ToriAgents
Rayleigh (trial)
Silco (Sil)

Ex-second gray GameKeepers
Ajww13 (Aj)

the bestestest, added alla' them

Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
Ex pink Gm:
Ajww13 (Aj) (i'm not 100% sure he was gm since from pink period)

sweetsie, edited

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
I'm ex second (I guess?) Tori-Agent

I'm also ex uniteam

Also Sygnus and Shiko were Tori-Agents with me. And Trials, and RayA75, and GrayveXP, and Echoforce, and Nathan, and Cindermomo I think, and Boredpayne iirc, and Ele, and Ginkey (he's a faggot though) and... that's all I can remember.

You were probably called EpikTh0rn that time, right
Aanyways, gotta add 'em all

Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
Tripstone was a GK

indeediedoo, added

Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
Speaking of MSquad. I remember Hyde was one of them green fellas a while back.

Aye aye, he mentioned it earlier ;o

Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Wasn't fish a toriagent?

And was echoforce a toriagent?

They indeed were, addedsesded

Originally Posted by sham View Post
Awesome job Tonakai!

So Clan Events Team is technically staff? Cool!

edit: I'm on there as "shamshank" which is my old username. Changing it to just "sham" would be more accurate.

I'd say they are ;o
not anybody can host events.
don't let me down

And yeah, edited.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
oh, suprstveo (or w.e it is) was second tori-agent and whatever GK was around at that time

added ;o

Originally Posted by Tamer0 View Post
I was a Gamekeeper throughout the pink and the 2nd grey era.

avwave used to be an smod too.

Alrightyy, added

Originally Posted by Noah View Post
I had so much fun reading over this, looking at all the familiar names.

The nostalgia is great isn't it \o/

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
I was an ex-pink and ex-gray gamekeeper

indeed you were, added

Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
Gynx is ex-Clan Mod.

Aaaallllrighty then, added

Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
I think SkulFuk is still a toribash blogger...

Indeediedoo, considering his recent blog post. Added!

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
lxor (lsl/ryan/pedant/etc) is clan mod now

sweetsie, Adelaide

Originally Posted by tofast4u2 View Post
Whats promo team is that like the team that was supposed to give exposure to toribash to make more people play ?

You're right, plus they were the in-game police. The same stuff that the current GameMasters and the pink and second gray GameKeepers did ;o

Originally Posted by Delaid View Post
I used to be a smod, toriagent (second version I guess?), and promo team.

Eleeleth and Dikarika used to be clan mods.

First ToriAgents, except if you still weren't an admin in 2010 ;o
I think you were.

Originally Posted by Mwah View Post
iirc DeadKenny and RedDevil used to be in the promo-team.

aye they were, addedses

Originally Posted by ape View Post
SmileyJones is a former smod.

Yeah, he was, thus added

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Verax - pt member, ta (first, maybe also second), gk (got it a while after ta, I don't remember color)
Jtank - pt member

yarrrr, added

Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
Since when was Hanz0 not an admin?

who's Hanz0
and since forever

Originally Posted by JustKerry View Post
*cough* ex smod and pt here <<

aaaaand added
And hi there, haven't seen you in a while ;o

Last edited by hanz0; Jan 17, 2012 at 06:36 PM.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
aaaaand added
And hi there, haven't seen you in a while ;o

Thankies :-) and yeah its been a while
Go check my myspace myspace.com/tatookerryx
The offical title was Authorized YouShop owner, not market-keeper. I was also a blogger awhile back. If it matters there were seperate groups for the promo team. There was promo team art, promo team dev, and then just regular promo team.

I'm ravenger.

also veb was a sysadmin. Fairly sure Hawkinz was a 1st gen tori-agent. He definitely had ingame admin at some point before he was SMod.
Last edited by PLACEH0LDER; Jan 23, 2012 at 12:53 AM.
Hi I'm Ravenger/brorave.
I was SMod before and then I got perma-banned.
I used to be a member of the clan council. I'm fairly sure it was the newer clan council though, sometime in 2009.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Ex-Uniteam here. Also great job, read over it a couple times for the hell of it, had fun.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants