The bug on mac where pgUp, pgDown, alt, caps lock, home, and end all produce a square in the chat box that you have to delete is still there. And it's especially annoying for special characters like umlauts, because you have to go back and delete the square before each accented letter.

öîè is what it basically looks like if you try to type accents. Or anything that requires alt. Like ∆˚∆ø∂∑ˆπßç. may seem small, which is why everyone has ignored me so far about it whenever I bring it up, but it's really annoying for me

Also, the timer is invisible on some servers. Like kickbox, for me right now.
In the fight school lesson basic training, the timer skips the entire match after I first extend my left knee, at which point it says "Well done! That's a decap!", although I only fall forward slightly. It replays 2 times, and then says "Decapitation 2" on the bottom, although when I proceed, it just runs the timer to 0, and the lesson is over.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I cannot fix it. I should probably also note that I'm running this on ubuntu 9.04, under wine.
Originally Posted by Demons227 View Post
man there are waaay too many things wrong with this version

Originally Posted by EspnzAlvr View Post
That is very true :|

well, a lot has changed. It's expected to have problems. Thats how they make the game better.
RAWR xTeam Sambo
Originally Posted by borgpunx View Post
well, a lot has changed. It's expected to have problems. Thats how they make the game better.


The game has a lot new things, developments and others, dont expect it to be 100% without any bugs after the first release.
Some people are working hard just for you, dont forget that.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Originally Posted by DaJoka View Post
For the ingame torishop, the arrows are gone, but you can still flip through the pages
jus gotta click til you find em :P

Thanks for the tip ! Found the spot D

I got the eye of Sharingan.