Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hi, my app!
InGame Name: Haluejah, more like Hal.
Age:11, yeh im sowe yougue ;_;.
Belt: Im Brown Belt Almost Black Belt.
Country and timezone: Portugal(more like PROtugal,haha, did you get it?XD.
Active?: InGame (9-10), Forums, (5-10). Waz naine pluz ten? tweny wane!(im sorry the joke was there).
Mods?:Parkour, Tricking, Official Mods.
Why do you want to join Crucify?: 3 reasons,1st reason, story of your clan, its fckn awesome, 2nd reason, I know that all of you are awesome so... And 3rd reason, Crucify, the name just,just,just, makes me fell awesome.
Skaipe?: Mai name raight here: Haluejah.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Hey, my name is DaNewNinja I'm 11, I'm a brown belt, and am in the Eastern time zone. When I don't have school my activity level for toribash is 8.5. When I do have school it's 6. Before this I was in Godly and Neko, I left both because they just weren't right for me. I'm good in many mods and a very quick learner, but i'm best in boxshu mushu. I want to join because this clan seems like a nice place for me to fucus my efforts. I normally only skype people I know irl so sorry, no skype. Thanks for taking the time to read this app, and goodbye.
In Game Name: Fort4
Belt: brown belt and above: Brown belt
Country and timezone: Australia
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): Forums=7 game=10
Any clans you joined before us? Yes (Its) Reason- Not high enough belt, so I got kicked
What mod are you good in? Aikido
Why do you want to join us?: I just wanna join I suppose XD Also, your clan name is awesome!
Skype? No
If so name here: NA
Last edited by Fort4; Apr 25, 2015 at 06:46 AM.
Wanna mess with me...!
In Game Name: Titler1337
Belt: Brown belt, close black
Country and timezone:USA eastern
How active are you ?(1-10): in game is a 8 on forum,4
Any clans you joined before us? No
What mod are you good in? Mushu,Akidio,Still training in the art of grapple
Why do you want to join us?:To form community and a strong clan
Skype: intensegamer1337
Name: Guy Pennell IV
I'd like to join this because This is AMAZING!!! And I like This clan I have seen it from mah friend
Pls Accept?
Last edited by Jaylex; Jun 20, 2015 at 06:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
HI MY NAME IS wakeninjaz adn my age is 16 and my brown (belt is black) some thing like that i live in finland and How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10):7,5 i have been never joined a clan im good in akido or wushu i want to join this clan cuz its looks cool and i never been on clan and this clan is like my style and i dont have skype

In Game Name:fadibob
Country and timezone:tunisia Central European Time Zone
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10):8
Any clans you joined before us?:No
What mod are you good in?:judo
Why do you want to join us?:intrested
Skype name here:Fadi TNGamer
In Game Name: BlackHamma
Age: 14 (Turning 15 March 21st)
Belt: (Brown belt and above) Brown
Country and timezone:US and EST time zone
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): I'm am on the game a couple hours a day but not too active on the forums, which I want to start getting into.
Any clans you joined before us? I used to be in clans a few months ago but just recently returned to the game
Why do you want to join us?: Because I am looking for some cool people to play with and just want to have fun doing it.
Skype? Don't have one, but I have discord, and if needed I could make a discord.
If so name here: