Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hi! I'm Rowan, new Toribash player for around ~4 months or so. Loving the game so far and looking to join a community! I'm still pretty new, but I'm looking to learn new techniques and improve. Thanks!
Hey! my in-game is wukongs. I am from Poland and im interested in joining The Hive, I like playing this game because it is skill-based and you can't really rely on your luck.My adventure with toribash started in 2018 and since then my life has been wonderful I like hip hop music the most and little of every genre.
I would love to be a part in this community BEEcause i like insects such as bees and other yellowy monster looking thingies.
I hope the person who's reading this has a wonderful day!
1. Been toribashing since 2011 i think
2 i like clicking ballz sometimes, it's a bit weird but fun
3. Hive is the 2nd best clan in toribash overall and 1st most active
4. Im 25 years old, got no goals sadly, it's too late for me
Yo yo
it is weird but also fun
Since you said fl0w is 1st best I'll totally let that slide
Its never to late my friend.

Anyways, welcome 0/