Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
they are the uncrowned legends.
they were the biggest of the bigshots pre 3.0
dont think i ever beat any of them in their chosen mods, not even by luck.

you might have known more about them if they werent removed.
although their lack of activity and relevance today could be a counterpoint to that.

I managed to beat Zaarock in tk once. Highlight of my toribash career :^)

If you're really intent on ending these clans, the least you could do is immortalize them in some other form.

I agree that having a clan that hasn't had an active member for over a month is a bad idea, but I've also seen the upside of it. Back around 2010, Evil was dying and Tripstone/the rest of Evolution were kind enough to lend us some members to get our activity back up and recruit new members, and with their help, Evil managed to survive. Our survival hasn't been particularly great, and we're essentially in a state of perpetual decline, but we have had long periods of sustained activity, brought to us by batches of new recruits who again we wouldn't have ever met if we just gave up and died or were killed.

I wouldn't have gotten a chance to play with Imubai/pookie/everyone else again if Evil was dead. If it has served as nothing else, it's served as a meeting point for a few friends on the internet.
Originally Posted by d3noth View Post
SO it seems that being a so called staff clan protects a clan from being deemed dead. That some of the members just doing their jobs is an excuse for activity.

I am not opposed to killing dead clans, regardless of how old they are. The clan is dead. Out of a twenty member roster, only two people have been online in the past three months (example). Additionally, if there is a staff member in a clan that is dead, the fact that he is a staff member should not grant his clan immunity to being dismantled for inactivity. It shows that the staff team is biased and they don't want to piss off their fellow staffers, even if it is clear that they are in the wrong.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
What I'm getting from these responses (including to mine) is that this is in the best interest of the community. I don't know why this would be the case when the source of the people saying this are coming from an outside view. I don't think anyone making these decisions for the up-and-coming clans can speak for them when those exact people in those up-and-coming clans are telling you otherwise. Nearly every single person who's discussed this from what I've seen minus a two or so people are telling you that killing clans preemptively is an awful idea. Just the fact that people are able to argue with you all in the clan council says that these clans aren't dead. I know I for a fact wouldn't bother wasting my free time on something that was already gone.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Just the fact that people are able to argue with you all in the clan council says that these clans aren't dead. I know I for a fact wouldn't bother wasting my free time on something that was already gone.

if someone's inactive and then gets told through some outside channel that their clan has been killed and then comes back and whines about it, that doesn't suddenly mean they've been active the whole time

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
if someone's inactive and then gets told through some outside channel that their clan has been killed and then comes back and whines about it, that doesn't suddenly mean they've been active the whole time

Considering other people in my clan were playing and active prior to the warning still then it's not a dead clan. It's not even about me being active because I'm not.

Also you forgot the entire rest of the paragraph to respond to, but I'm glad you chipped in for a snappy comment anyway.

edited phrasing
Last edited by Numbers; Apr 20, 2015 at 11:15 PM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
I think it would work for the newer clans to remake the old clans, I remember I needed a certain clan tag that was already taken, We can take advantage of this situation, But I'm also against the fact of removing clans that are still together but not as ingame active.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
if someone's inactive and then gets told through some outside channel that their clan has been killed and then comes back and whines about it, that doesn't suddenly mean they've been active the whole time

And that pretty much is checkmate, ladies and gentlemen.

My point of view is that there are rules that need to be followed. If people make exceptions at the drop of a hat, then the existence of those previously mentioned rules is irrelevant.

The current system is probably not perfect, but those of you who say that closing down old clans is "absolutely not justified" are speaking out of their asses while riding the bandwaggon.

I don't think there is anything else to discuss, since Gynx and Faint took the liberty of giving actual feedback to all of the constructive opinions, but feel free to prove me wrong by adding something new to the discussion.
Hounestly UrbanUnit is one of them very few clans in this game i look up to and always have looked up to since i started playing. it would be a shame to this to some clans but honestly there are some clans where the hasn't been posts in like 3 months but i do think it would be biased to let the dead clans with staff in exist.
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
And that pretty much is checkmate, ladies and gentlemen.

My point of view is that there are rules that need to be followed. If people make exceptions at the drop of a hat, then the existence of those previously mentioned rules is irrelevant.

naaah, these newly formed rules in this case are not essential to the operation of the forums. they are a form of improving the community, but they are not part of the core structure of the clan system. since the clans system was present before these rules and there was barely any negative feedback (i don't have access to the PMs sent to the clan mods but i have never seen any thread like this before), we can assume that.

in that case, making an exception to the rule for the (arguably deserving) clans would not be making the rules irrelevant, it would be more of a VIP status. the catch here is whether a clan is deserving of that immunity (what would the criteria be, would it be based on the contributions of the clan as a whole or the members, it's relevance etc.) and whether this immunity is a good idea. you can argue if it is for the better or worse of the community, but you can't really say that it makes the rules necessarily irrelevant.
oh yeah
It seems that there are quite a bit of people who think (and I'm paraphrasing here) "We can't make an exception, historical/legendary clans can't stay alive just because we don't want them to be deleted. We shouldn't be bias."

My question I ask to those who feel that way is this: Is there really nothing a clan can do to be an exception? Do we live in a place where exceptional people and clans can't earn the right to be an exception?

I happen to think some clans have earned the right. In my mind, some people have volunteered enough hours for their community, brought enough joy into the lives of others selflessly, and acted as icons to promote the future of Toribash enough that I'm fine with them getting a relaxed place, of little moderation, to talk among their international friends from time to time. That's what clan boards can be. I don't think it sends the wrong message to other clans, I think it says "Hey, new clan that just became official, look what some have accomplished. If you work extremely hard, maybe one day you can be this too."

We eternalized players that have made profound impact on this game by making them Legendary. I think the Legendary program founded was and is an amazing tool, and a fantastic way for Toribash to give back to those they loved and hold to high regard. So all I can say is I'm excited for the possibility, as Gynx alluded to in his remarks (Which by the way, I'm extremely grateful he took the time to post in here), of the existence of Legendary clans. Watching historic clans get activity check after activity check as they frantically sum up members to say "WTF we're still here" is like watching my Grandpa try to get out of the love seat. It takes him like 15 minutes, he makes a bunch of weird noises, and I'd prefer to just get to Publix and bring him back his sub sandwich.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Apr 20, 2015 at 11:39 PM.
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