Well, i was consitraiting so hard, the maze got really hard (you had to keep you mouse inside the green lines) then BOOM scary ass excorist girl pops out and screems once. I fly back, cussing. Then right as i'm about to be fine AHHHHHHHHHHHH! the damn thing screams AGAIN.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
I saw one when I was like 12 years old. My dad told me to look at the picture closely and I might see the ghost. I got closer and closer, then he clicked sumtin', the face appeared and I instinctivly threw a punch in the surrounding area and now my dad has had a tooth ache ever since.

screamers don't affect me, nor did they ever.

But the creepy voice in the song in this one:


Now THAT was creepy.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Feb 20, 2009 at 04:53 AM.
Hmmm... Also, ever since I've been seeing screamers everywhere, I usually turn the volume down for something suspicious... i.e Look at this black dot. Things like that. But even without the volume, I still get scared. :/
Every now and then I try to avoid them.
It makes me wonder..
Originally Posted by flubbah View Post
Hmmm... Also, ever since I've been seeing screamers everywhere, I usually turn the volume down for something suspicious... i.e Look at this black dot. Things like that. But even without the volume, I still get scared. :/
Every now and then I try to avoid them.

Some "Look at this dot" videos is not screamers...
I saw an video to stare at 4 dots and then blink eyes...
I saw jesus on my eyes :O
They just annoy me. I'm expectin something good and worthwhile and then some ugly bitch pops out at me and screams and I'm just like -_- another screamer and leave. Although a few have made me jump :P
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Originally Posted by DejaVu View Post
I am scarred from the screamers. One night when I was 7, I was watching youtube, and I got 5 screamers in a row. I almost cried. I still am afraid of closed shower curtains, windows, things popping up after I take off my shirt etc. because of the momentary blindness.

I think I might need help

Hmmm.....youtube was made 4 years ago.

Your profile says you're 15.

15-4 = 11.

11 > 7

Tell us your real age now! Or else...
Originally Posted by Defqon View Post
Some "Look at this dot" videos is not screamers...
I saw an video to stare at 4 dots and then blink eyes...
I saw jesus on my eyes :O

I know that, it was just an example. Most of them are normal illusions.

DejaVu: That usually happens to me too. Get the feeling to need to turn around while alone in the room to see what's behind you? I do.
It makes me wonder..