Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hello there Tribe, I'm interested in joining.

What drew me to this clan was the classic feel of it, similar to clans back in 2012. Right when toribash was at it's "prime".

Although, you don't care about that. My Name is Michael, I'm seventeen years old, altogether I've been playing toribash for roughly 6-7 years.(With a 3 year break due to multiple personal issues). I just recently got a gaming PC, and intend to be on a good amount daily. I'll be on the forums a lot more than I will in game.

My previous clans are Secret, and Metal. I don't consider myself to be part of a clan unless I'm in it over half a year, as well as being really picky about the clans i apply for.

This is the part that will bring me down, I do not exactly have a "skill,". I'm mediocre at replays, I'm exceptional at multiplayer, and, despite having two artists in my family I cannot do art to save my life. I'd like to run a torishop full of items soon, I'm not sure if that necessarily counts as a skill.

Here's my application, I tried to be as honest as possible, hope to here back soon, and either way, I will respect your decision. Thank you!
Just a Simple man doing simple things.
Vins is still in discussion.
Soon will not be joining the Tribe at this time.
Galaxy is still in discussion.
nodarkness is still in discussion.
Mike60LeGacyX is still in discussion.

P.S. come chill in our public discord. Over the holidays we're not ingame much as you can probably tell.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Vin786 has been accepted into the Tribe.
Galaxy will not be joining the Tribe at this time.
nodarkness will not be joining the Tribe at this time.
Mike60LeGacyX will not be joining the Tribe at this time.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Hiya, Application For Tribe

So.. You may not know me, but i'm kinda a big deal! Well i wouldn't say big, but i like to think of me as a big deal. Anyways My user is Bane205, And my name is Chase i'm 17 and I used to actually be a player. Well i still am but i'm usually in the forums, but if you see me in-game then, that's just wow!

Clans You've Been In?

Well Sir.. It's kinda hard to name them all but "LETS-A-GO!"

Kronoloation Clan
Illusion Clan (DEAD)
Biohazard (I think)
Forgotten (probably DEAD)

Why Would You Like To Apply, Or Join?

Why, Great question. I'd love to join Tribe because I've always wanted to be in a clan full of community, and a clan that will Kick Ass! I also want to make art for this clan, cause from the way it bonds its clan mates together, and yet again Will Kick Ass. But mostly I've always wanted to be in a clan war and help the clan win and finally be accepted into something.

But if you still don't have no taste in me.. Then it's Okay, it's alright to reject. It's Your Choice.

Social Things You'd Like to Put

Okay, Okay now i know you want to know some shit about my social well here you are!

I don't have skype.. But i do have discord (TheGreenUnknown#0954) And i do have steam (MegaEssence)

But for real i'm not lying i'm serious about the forums on Toribash!

Other Things You'd Like To Put

Well Brotha, I'm From America (U.S.A) and i may not be In-Game a lot but if a clan war comes up... tell me in discord or in steam and i'll be there quicker than the speed of light, to kick some ass. Oh and my favorite Mods are Spar and Akido but if you don't see me there, you might see my rich ass in a Bet sever gettin' Greedy.

And yes i'm southern i live in AL, so.. don't judge me ;c


Well My Brother, If you made it this far then I am glad you put the effort into reading this, you may not accept me by a high chance, but I know somewhere in there, There is a chance i'll be a clan mate in your clan
Last edited by Bane205; Jan 3, 2018 at 05:45 PM.
Bane205 is now in discussion

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Bane205 will not be joining the Tribe at this time.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
hey guys, my name is Ancient, before Ancient it was realmee, or Erik.

im applying because i always liked Tribe, i remember in 2014 i really wanted to join ( i think i made an application, i cant remember) but didnt know how to apply.

i'm 13 years old, currently in 7th grade or by irish terms, in 1st year. i told lexx that i want to join Tribe, and he told me to apply. i also got to know him very well ive been in previous clans such as uhhhhhh, [u]ltimate, (FC) and [Elite]. i just recently left elite because i dont really fit in, and it's not really that active there. those are the main clans that i can remember being in. i was obviously in a lot more, but i can't remember as a lot of time has passed. im fairly active on forums and in-game, im a 10th dan and i have 1,7k posts. i was originally born in latvia, and i lived there until i was 10. around the time when i turned 10 my mom won a custody case or w/e they're called. so, i then moved to ireland. and living in ireland means that my GMT is 0.

now about my in-game, i play a lot of ABD and boxshu. i think i excel a lot with those mods. i don't really have any replays saved because i dont save replays xd if you guys want though, i can get some quickly. i also duel and bet a lot, that's the main way that i can get TC. i would also love to play in the clan league for this clan. i'm also in the discord, OwO is the name.

thank you guys for reading this, and considering me.

pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Hey, im here to apply for Tribe, obviously. I had played Toribash a while back but i had to take a break due to certain things in life, but now with more time on my hands im getting back into this game!

Although i dont have replays to share, also because i just downloaded a newer veriosn of Toribash so most are gone, my favorite mods are Judo, Akido/Greykido and i like to dabble in ABD from time to time.

Im applying to this specific clan because there are some friendly faces in the crowd which is what i like. I'm easy to get along with and i would consider myself to be humble and easy going. Hopefully ill get the chance to make even more friends!

Also on a side note: I work Monday-Thursday from 6am-4pm (Central) but im always on right after.
Ancient and Cosmiiiic are now in discussion.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.