Nice, registered.

Stories haven't been a requirement for a while. Just letting everyone know.

Edit: Aspire is selling his account, so why should he join?
Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 25, 2009 at 01:25 PM.
If I would sell my account, going to switch to my alternate


I thought we could improve the format for the application and requirements to join our clan.


Join Date:
Favorite Mod:
Former Clans:
Bans & Infractions:
Do you have IRC:
Why did you pick AAO:
Why should we pick you rather than anyone esle:
What specifically can you do for AAO:
What do you think about the leader, members and our clan:
From a rate 1-10, how active are you:
From a rate 1-10, how good is your grammar:


No min. belt(belt does not matter)
Posts: 100+
Last edited by Numb; Jun 25, 2009 at 04:04 PM.
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
If I would sell my account, going to switch to my alternate

Join Date:
Bans & Infractions:
Do you have IRC:
Why did you pick AAO:
Why should we pick you rather than anyone esle:
What specifically can you do for AAO:
What do you think about the leader, members and our clan:
From a rate 1-10, how active are you:
From a rate 1-10, how good is your grammar:

i would never get in

Join Date:2007
Bans & Infractions:4 infr
Do you have IRC:ya
Why did you pick AAO:i get picked
Why should we pick you rather than anyone esle:idk
What specifically can you do for AAO:i made a Forums for you
What do you think about the leader, members and our clan:he is ok and ok and fireless is cool =P
From a rate 1-10, how active are you:on forums 9 game 7
From a rate 1-10, how good is your grammar:7
Anime United
Name: Macshiz
Belt(I know these don't really matter, but if possible we would like blackbelt+): 2nd Dan Black Belt
Why do you want to join: Because i recently quit my old clan because things got out of hand. New members invited white belts because (quote) "He is funny" So I would like to join because so far everything is working and you never know, it may go big.
Where did you find out about AaO?: I was looking around in the clan discusion and hoped to find a so far rising clan.

Also if it halps i can create a clan logo
Atleast 3 Non-editted MP replays.
PS: I picked these replays randomly! Sorry if they suck I will get better ones
Attached Files
awesomecombo.rpl (107.1 KB, 5 views)
ripdecap.rpl (81.6 KB, 3 views)
pulldecap.rpl (77.0 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Spy; Jun 25, 2009 at 04:30 PM.
Offcourse. Still me, I still have not sold my account yet. If no one buys my account in 2 days, I'll close the sale, and my account won't be for sale anymore.

Maybe you can fill out my version of the application? Just being curious.
Oh sorry I should answer this one too then.

Username: Macshiz
Join Date: Sometime in April
Favorite Mod: Wushu, TK, KB, Jousting
Former Clans: Animal Instinct, Dark, DIAF
Bans & Infractions: 2 infactions when i was a noob to the forums
Do you have IRC: Yes
Why did you pick AAO: As it said in my other application. It seems like a working clan, great members (I know most of you =D ), and who knows, might become the next best thing.
Why should we pick you rather than anyone esle:Because i noticed the mistaking in "esle". JK. No because i am a great texture maker. An awesome player, and well im just entertaining.
What specifically can you do for AAO: I could make logos and banners, clan textures, I can help win clan wars. What ever ingame skill (to my limits of coarse) or photoshop expertise you need i got.
What do you think about the leader, members and our clan: I think so far, i know most of you guys, and you are all very cool. It would be an honor to join your clan.
From a rate 1-10, how active are you: 8.9
From a rate 1-10, how good is your grammar: 9.3
Refferal: None
I sound like a leader, even though I am not an official Co-lead.
But I'm kinda used to be like that already.

macshiz: Go to IRC now. Im online.