Originally Posted by zombieshit View Post
Nickname: zombieshit
Belt: 2rd Dan Black Belt
Active In-Game: Yes
Active On Forums: Sometimes
Favorite Mod(s): aikido, foodmod(in singleplay)
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): i need a clan and this is very nice
Tested: No (sunday from 14:00 - 16:00 )
GTM: +01:00

dude u alredy in my clan and accepted dont post here just because i still wearing the drones tag
Nickname: Lexa
Belt: (Must be 3rd Dan Black Belt or over) im a blackbelt... but I think i am good.
Active In-Game: Yes/No/Sometimes Yes
Active On Forums: Yes/No/Sometimes Yes
Favorite Mod(s): Aikido
Reason For Wanting To Join (If Any): I miss being in a clan. I used to be in kingdomz and i love the clan atmosphere
Recommended/Tested I havent been tested. but Id like to be maybe in the next few days?
Thanks! I know I dont meet all the requirements but if im tested I think you will see I am quite good.