Original Post
Audiosurf competition, 100k TC prize
OK, i've noticed that alot of people in the toribash community plays audiosurf, so i decided to put up a small competition.

There is no entry fee, and everyone is free to participate. Whoever has posted the highest score March 1st, 18:00 Norway time (that's GMT +1, iirc) wins 100,000 TC. I will accept both scores posted ingame, and screenshot with scores.

Song: Jarmund - Leutenhaven. It can be downloaded here:
Mode: Any
Level: Elite

You will not be concidered as a contestant, unless you've posted in this thread that you want to participate. This is needed to filter out those who are not connected to toribash but who still shows up on the score-list. I will ofcourse check the winner for photoshopping, so don't even try. I can see from the pixels and from seeing alot of shops in my time, etc...
UPDATE: I will also accept screenshots, since alot of people seems to be unable to post scores ingame.
UPDATE: Unless someone can tell me a way to spot which difficulty the game was played at, screenshots that hilights more than one score-window will not be valid. (since the difficulty you just played is automaticly hilighted, as well as the one you have the cursor over). So move the cursor away from the score-windows when taking the screenshots.
UPDATE: Beta scores will not be accepted
UPDATE: In addition to the 1st prize of 100k, there will be an additional 50k for the second best score that is in a different mode than the winner. Since it's not possible to tell which mode unregistered players use, only registered players can win the 50k prize.

I encourage everyone to post their scores after every run, regardless of the result.. i'm just curious of how many people participate.. and my score sucks bigtime anyways

Q: where do i get audiosurf?
A: Either buy it from steam (costs around 9USD) or pirate it (i allow pirating, but i wont promote it, so you'd have to find the *cough* torrent *cough* on *cough* *cough* after *cough* searching *cough* for *cough* audiosurf *cough* yourself).. i don't really care, as long as you participate.

happy audiosurfing

Note: If you are unable to download the song, try going to, rightclick the song, and hit save (depending on browser)
Last edited by Jarmund; Feb 23, 2008 at 07:25 PM.
i downloaded the demo and loved it so much that i bought it, but im having problems using it, when i open it, it shows the demo, how can i activate the real game, i know that i've bought it but i cannnot play the real game, can anybody help me, if you give me good advice there's a 500tc award.
restart steam and/or play through the first few tracks in demo mode, unlocking the full mode. no award needed.

Woo, finally managed to beat the topscore.
I don't care for runner up prizes anymore, because hopefully I won't be one.
Last edited by Plec; Feb 25, 2008 at 08:13 PM.
Plec's Gamestore, selling full games, trials and special ingame content!
Click to see the shop!
This comp is still going, so this is a bump in good thought!

beat this, plec ;P

Edit: 83,184 now, won't put up a screenie though
Attached Images
winscoremoar.jpg (13.0 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Chozo; Feb 28, 2008 at 02:56 AM.
No way.
Were there any runner up prizes? :l
Congrats anyways, Chozo.
Plec's Gamestore, selling full games, trials and special ingame content!
Click to see the shop!
hai, ninja mono has been buffed a bit the other day, so i increased my score today just to make sure no one passes it (although i was hoping to pass the eraser runs :P).
did another perfect run, got 73,960 points.