i made a l_thigh texture, put it in my custom folder and when i log on, the texture shows for a split second then goes away........i have a head texture that only i can see and that works...both made in the same program........photoshop, and the same extention, .tga......... please help
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays
Im stuck eh someone help?
I wonder how to make the image exactly how it is supposed to b.
Click here
Also: Ponies, cotton candy and rainbows!
Well I am new to editing stuff and dont want to screw up anything, so could someone send me the defaults and I will just edit those, ty!

This goes out to anyone better than me at tori ! LOL jk

**EDIT** Ok nevermind I have the images I want, so I put them in the Custom Folder (under my name) as 128x128 and TGA I start up Tori... Nothing happens, I open Multiplayer and join a server, I look exactly the same, some1 plz help

Error I Am Getting From TGA Converter:

E> Image data is not long enough

tga_header Object
[id_length] => 1
[map_type] => 0
[image_type] => 10
[color_map_entry_index] => 1070
[color_map_length] => 7
[color_map_entry_size] => 24
[image_origin_x] => 0
[image_origin_y] => 0
[image_width] => 128
[image_height] => 128
[image_depth] => 24
[image_flip_height] => 0
[image_flip_width] => 0
[image_alpha_channel] => 0000

I dont speak computer fluently so what do I do to fix this?
Last edited by Dice2; May 4, 2008 at 06:45 AM. Reason: Fixed 1/2 of my Problem....
You dont need a TGA Converter =/

just when you finish editing the pic file/save as/then .TGA

if you cant find .tga in the save as list ...then i recommend you to use a better program .

Ok then...
Originally Posted by Function-X- View Post
You dont need a TGA Converter =/

just when you finish editing the pic file/save as/then .TGA

if you cant find .tga in the save as list ...then i recommend you to use a better program .

I did save them as TGA (Truevision Targa) and when I put them into the folder and started the game... guess what happened?

NOTHING! so read the damn message next time, I was just saying I did use that to see if that would fix it! Now could you help me with the problem of getting the TGA's to work... And I will repeat parts of my last message just to clarify

-Did Put them in toribash\Custom\Dice2
-They ARE TGAs
-They ARE 128 x 128
-They ARE named correctly
-Nothing happened to my ingame character when I finished.
Are they compressed? They shouldn't be.

If you're using Gimp, whenever you go to save, you should get a window in the top left asking if you want RLE compression. Uncheck that box, and save. Should work.