Original Post
Prizes for belts, win streaks, variable tourney prizes, logging in, 2nd place
Note: This thread has been merged with similar threads.

Others suggestions in this thread:
- tourney prizes proportional to the number of games played, or participants.
- win streak prizes
- prizes for gaining belts
- some sort of reward for overcoming the challenge of logging in?
- bigger prizes for anything and everything

My idea is that there should be another tc tourney but with more tc like 1k, 1,500 or 2k. I mean I think it would be much more fun and easier for people to get textures, and for noobs just starting to have a good amount of tc. The mod could be aikido or Rk mama. I just think there should be another tourney besides 500tc and 750tc you know a little higher.
Last edited by Fish; Oct 30, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
Tessh´s Idea is a great adjustment to the original suggestion. It would also be another way of triying to get TC instead of tourneys being packed all the time.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
It's a good idea, but the TC/reward would have to moderated under the circumstances. It will be simply too easy to farm otherwise. Limiting it to (as Teshh suggested) Ult rooms with unique IPs seems like a viable solution to mass farming.
Belt up prize
I think we should do a little prize when we get a new belt probaly 2k maybe or 1k cause some people cant get tc much so. . . =]
l AOD founder l
Reflexz Co founder
You don't actually need TC in the game, it's mostly used to change one's appearance. Just get some skill, win some tourney's, go bounty hunting, place some bets, do some surveys, create textures to sell or if you're rich, just buy TC.

Enough ways to get some TC to spend on textures and stuff.
I'd agree with this, if it were for higher belts, such as changing from a First dan to a second, or a second to a third, or else it could be very easily farmed.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots
Game enter reward
This game does not give tc for starting the game,unlike others,so i would like to suggest this.