It's late for me, 11:18 at night, and I have played about 90 games today.
I might not be able to play, but I will see if I can catch up with you.
Alright Swaves, Master, Mata, time to get on the right track hehe, I'm pretty sure the spam is just about over, but just in case, if anyone posts anything on our clan thread that you don't want there, ask them respectfully not to post again BEFORE you have a 3 page argument, and if they do it again, report them to clan mods, simple as that. Anyways hi ya I'm spart, I was part of Sacred before the merge and I'm happy to see everyone is settling in just fine, now why don't we start that fun road to official that everyone looks forward to when joining a new clan, after all we all love a challenge don't we?

Also -8 Gmt (North America; Pacific Standard Time)
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
I think the arguments contain some content, and shows we are mature members and we can peacefully resolve the problem.

I'm australian, GMT +8.
I lost the last lenshu game. I was up by 10k points, I decided to do a comeback, I kicked Gman right in the face and he somehow won by about 100 points in the end.
I suppose it happens when you decide to play fair.
I'll try to be part of can wars as much as possible, I''m probably once of our best in game players when it comes to Aikido/Tk/Rk/Lenshu so i'll try being present. Also I'm less than 450 games from 10th dan :3 and I'm gonna start heading towards 100k for a name change, still thinking about what i'm gonna change it to, any suggestions? I'm thinking Grim, Spart, or cherub.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
I'll try to participate in the clan wars as often as I can, but I cant be ingame for more than 1 or 2 ours per day :/

And spart, Im thinking in have a name change, but I not sure in what name I should choose

And my gmt is -3, brazil
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar