1. Current belt (If less than black, provide a good reason for us to reconsider)-8th dan almost 9th
2. Why you want to join VorteX- I fought a few members in the clan and they seem nice and my most recent clan (Kira) is going inactive again
3. What you will bring to the clan as a member- I am pretty good at ABD
4. How active you are in game, x/10- i'm about a 6 because of school
5. How active you are on the forum, x/10- i am about a 7 or so because i can get on during school
6. Favorite mod(s)- ABD
7. Something interesting/cool/weird about yourself- I don't know if this is any of them but i play League of Legends hahaha
8. Clan history (if you have any)- I've been in a LOT of clans i won't lie but my most recent ones were Kira, RIP, Critical Hit those are the ones i remember
9. At least one replay showing off your skills
Belt:Brown/Alt Belt:Brown
I will be a good addition to the clan as I believe that I has a good bit of skill in toribash given my 2-year play time on my alt and 1-year play time on my main.
I want to join vortex because I want to be in a good clan in which I can praticapate in clan events.
Activity on TB:9/10
activity on forums:2/10
Just some random thing about me:I am afraid of heights.
Favourite Mods:akidobigdojo/akido/judo/boxshumushu
Previous Clan:Cannibal
-Current belt: 5th Dan

-Why you want to join VorteX: you guys seem like a delightful bunch.

-What you will bring to the clan as a member: Me, and photoshop skills.

-How active you are in game, 9/10

-How active you are on the forum, 6/10 (read a lot, post almost never)

-Favorite mods: ABD, Aikido, Greykido

-Clan history: Menace, The Professional Revolution, Risk.

Little about myself: I am a 14 year old boy from Finland. My hobbies are snowboarding, PC playing and Kwan Nyom Hapkido which is a Korean martial art. I have been doing Hapkido for 6 years and i am a brown belt 1,5 years away from Finland's first junior black belt (there have been 6 junior belts graduated in the world). I have a girlfriend (would you believe that)i have depression and anxiety. I am a bit skinny and pale but still handsome and cute (according to some people).
Attached Files
greykido.rpl (77.1 KB, 4 views)
Ninjutsu decap.rpl (47.0 KB, 3 views)
ninjutsu.rpl (83.5 KB, 3 views)
The art is in the person. All we have to do is bring it out.
ledledlee it's a no from me. App doesn't have much info about yourself.
NorzyTM its a yes Welcome to VorteX!
Alright, I'll ruin my post count for yeh bastards. Welcome to VorteX to all the new members! On a side note, I'm available again. See you in game people!
Grand Overseer of VorteX
Hawkeye573's App
Belt: Black
Reason for applying: VorteX seams like an interesting clan that is actually active unlike my previouse clans
What will I bring: I feel like i can help in clan wars for this clan and can be another fun member
In Game Activity: 7/10 (when im not at school)
Forum Activity: 3/10 but im becoming more active slowly.
Favorite Mods: Mushu and Akido/ABD
About Myself: I actually practice random types of martial arts irl
Clan History: Velocity,Crucify,Haunted (was never kicked, i left from clan inactivity or weird timing that they were on)
Thank you for your time.
Fruity Application
-Current belt: Blue (formerly 2nd Dan, lost password for main account)

-Why you want to join VorteX: My clan is dead and has no hopes of reviving, therefore I require a new community to converse topics with.

-What you will bring to the clan as a member: A strong aikido member, a dabbler of the arts, Vitamin C, and delight

-How active you are in game, 9/10

-How active you are on the forum, 9/10 (I'll check everyday)

-Favorite mods: ABD, Aikido, Taekkyon, Wushu

-Clan history: iCoF (on main acc)

-About Me: Well, where do I start? My name is Alex, I am a 16 year old male. I am half chinese, half korean raised in the US. I am heavily attached to academics, so please excuse any inactivity if any. I used to experiment a bit a couple years ago but since then I've been enticed by a game called, "League of Legends" where I still waste most of my weekends. I play toribash to blow off steam, procrastinate, or even play when LoL has gotten on my nerves.

PostScript: if my explanation of my previous account seems suspicious look up Stickkilla.
Attached Files
butterfingers.rpl (57.7 KB, 2 views)
upperbody dismemberment.rpl (123.7 KB, 2 views)
ubersave.rpl (76.6 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Fruit2g; Jan 14, 2015 at 04:01 AM. Reason: forgot replays (apologies!)