View Poll Results: Do you think Burke will be a legend one day?
Hes duh most MLGest persun evr, Of cors he will
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 Votes / 100.00%
Yeh i guess
0 Votes / 0%
3 Votes / 0.00%
Nu, hes a nub lol
2 Votes / 0.00%
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Nice start on the sneak peek replay, looks good
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
got a collab with AlphaN00b and finished version of Blood.
Attached Files
#Burke - BL00D Final Ver..rpl (321.7 KB, 23 views)

Bl00b final
Nice madman i really like it the only thing that i dont like are the keyframes they are so annoying!

Flow was nice
Distructin was beautifull
9/10(for keyframes)

Nice flow looks sick
only thing i dont like is that it gets slow sometimes

I love the start
flow is beautifull
overall 9/10(sometimes slow)
blood final ver:
ok,i really didnt liked the twitches you do on the whole replay,but the opener looks great
the first kick was nice,punch wold be better if had dm'ed the other glute as well.
however,from now on things started to look weirder:
-first,the boom of pecs and head was nice,however it wasnt that clean to see.
-there didnt looked to have any kind of transition to the other dms
-the kick,again,unclean to see,also,wold dismember alot of more joints there

but last dm kick was nice,and hand fall was ok.

Bumblen00b collab:
i can tell exality from where starts both parts
but eh,i can see some twitches
try to work on more movements,sometimes you dont look to have flow.
also,avoid twitching,you know,when a "fast move" happens for one frame,like a move-stop-move in one frame.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592


woah thats cool :o

the opener is kinda weird but its ok
the first hook is cool
teh punch is also cool
that boom is so fucking weird. in a good way
hook definatley couldve gotten more dms
the chest dm is cool
great pose


i cant cnc tricking so...
cool flips n spins n shit
oh shit
that madman was pretty damn good
i really like how you kept going after this punch
dms were really nice
still a bit twitchy arm movement
but overall it was really good
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
madman was pretty neat

opener was cool and original

the 2 hits to get the legs was sweet, but you couldve gotten the other glute

boom was a bit messy, could be better, try not to bump ur head as much

hook couldve gotten more dms tbh

kick to chest was nice

random ground dm

tricking wa nice, cool spins and stuff

(I dont cnc tricking ;-;)
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Working on madmans and stuff, havent had alot of time to play though so it might be awhile.

No Hacks, only Skill.
this is a Madman btw, i spent about an hour on it.
Attached Files
#Burke - TH3 FALL3N.rpl (198.4 KB, 17 views)

the opener wasnt too special but the dms were really nice
I like how the torso just stayed there without moving and u got the decap
The pose was quite good as well, maybe you should have edited the frames so the replay lasted till your pose
nm else to say, gj