Było pare wycieków nagrań audio "żołnierzy" rosyjskich, i mówili otwarcie o napadaniu na domy i zabieraniu własności osób zmuszonych do ucieczki. Serce się kraja gdy się o tym słyszy, a co dopiero gdy mówią o innych swoich podłościach. Jesteśmy z wami i będziemy was wspierać jak tylko możemy. Szkoda że ludzie tego nie rozumieją, nie widzą skali wojny. Myślę że jedyna rzecz która by zmieniła postawę zwykłego polaczka to gdyby wojna nie kończyła się na granicy Ukraińskiej, ale przeszła już do Polski. Najbliższy atak na teren ukraiński od granicy Polskiej był zaledwie 20km od nas, wystarczy że ktoś się jebnie i zrzuci na nas, i już oficjalnie wejdziemy w teren wojny.

Piszę po Polsku bo wiem że kto chcę przeczytać, to nawet przetłumaczy, a osoby które nie wspierają naszej strony, to oni przecież będą jedynie wyśmiewać. Trzymaj się Hug, wierzę że nastanie dzień gdy będziemy mogli się skupić na odbudowie straconych domów, a nie gwarantowania tymczasowych domów w Polsce. Niezależnie od tego gdy ten dzień nastanie, będziemy robić co w naszej mocy by pomóc.

Będę sprawdzał twoje posty gdy tylko mogę, ciężko o wiarygodne źródło informacyjne w dzisiejszych czasach.

Nie musisz odpisywać, wszystko co najważniejsze odpisałeś Bisonowi. Jedynie chciałem dodać od siebie, że wszyscy jesteśmy z wami myślami i sercem.
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post

In some photos of the dead civilians it can be seen that they were carrying Russian military rations (images bellow). It's very strange and I don't know what to make of it. It kind of looks like Russian soilders perhaps gave them to civilians, because other essential groceries can be seen next to them too, suggesting that they were out to get supplies. But then why were they killed? I've seen speculations by one guy suggesting they might've been killed by Azov for being traitors and accepting Russian help, but I think that's highly unlikely. Either way, very strange.


I missed this part of your message. Please, miss this bullshit about "Azov killed civilians for accepting Russian MRE" it just offends Azov, other Ukrainian defenders, and Ukrainians too me specifically. First of all, there is no single evidence of that, but "one guy said that". Secondly, this place was probably just a garbage dump for occupants that's it.
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
I missed this part of your message. Please, miss this bullshit about "Azov killed civilians for accepting Russian MRE" it just offends Azov, other Ukrainian defenders, and Ukrainians too me specifically. First of all, there is no single evidence of that, but "one guy said that". Secondly, this place was probably just a garbage dump for occupants that's it.

You don't want to offend Azov? Do you support neo-nazis? The times must be hard for you so I understand if that makes you upset but sorry to say it - Azov defending Ukraine doesn't make them less of a nazi scum. They're very much capable of committing attrocities too, especially to anyone they deem a "Russian spy". There are graphic videos that I cannot post here even with NSFW tag I think, but it is already documented that they kill Ukranians too.
Last edited by Smaguris; Apr 7, 2022 at 11:25 AM.
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Tak co walczimy za wszystkich teraz przy pomocy sojuznicow. Przykro mi bylo czytac jak Biden nalozyl weto na transfer myśliwców sowieckich, które Polska zaproponowała przekazać w Ukrainę. Ale w chuj to.

No to akurat jest prosta sprawa.
Amerykanie myśleli że załatwią wszystko polskimi rękoma, jak miały być podarowane samoloty z Polski do Ukrainy to bardzo chętnie, bo jak Kremlin zacznie coś kombinować i straszyć to mogli by powiedzieć że to głównie polska inicjatywa.
Jak nasz rząd wyszedł z całkiem słuszną propozycją (co rzadko się im zdarza xD) żeby USA było pośrednikiem to im się nagle odmieniło bo im się takie zagranie nie kalkuluje w interesy. (chodzi o ten transport myśliwców z bazy USA w Niemczech jak dobrze pamiętam)

Amerykański rząd chce sobie rozgrywać wszystkie gry na cudzym podwórku.
Też mnie zasmuciła ta sytuacja z tymi samolotami.
Natomiast z tego co widzę zwykli Amerykanie są całkiem pomocni w sprawach związanych z Ukrainą.


hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
You don't want to offend Azov? Do you support neo-nazis? The times must be hard for you so I understand if that makes you upset but sorry to say it - Azov defending Ukraine doesn't make them less of a nazi scum. They're very much capable of committing attrocities too, especially to anyone they deem a "Russian spy". There are graphic videos that I cannot post here even with NSFW tag I think, but it is already documented that they kill Ukranians too.

I don't want you to spread some unsubstantiated bs such as "I've heard one guy said azov killed ukrainian civilians".
I support my army, do not manipulate me. Azov is a unit of the National Guard, which was formed from volunteers in 2014, after Russia took Crimea, part of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. This unit, in which serve: Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Greeks, Georgians, Crimean Tatars and Belarusians. For 8 years now, soldiers of different faiths have been serving in this unit hand in hand: Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, pagans, Jews and Muslims. Where the majority speaks Russian.
It is an official regiment and any ukrainian can join it regardless his/her political ideologies or lack thereof. So regarding your statement everyone who joins Azov automatically becomes "nazi scum"?
Yes, there were incidents when separate individuals, who were involved in criminal cases, fought for some period of time as part of Azov regiment, but what then? Let's nullify all the deeds of all the regiment? That is stupid.
National Socialism in Germany is based on theories of anti-Semitism, racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. So where is it in multicultural Azov?
Are there many of nationalists? Yes, hundred percent. What's wrong with being a nationalist? Our nation is young and someone needs to build it. I see a squeamish attitude in the so-called progressive countries towards nationalists and patriots but for us they became a backbone of national resistance and military formations, they were among the first to defend our country when Russia attacked us in 2014.
Do they have paganism attributes? Yes, they do, but what's wrong with that if this is a tribute to our ancestors?

Thanks to Azov and other units defending Mariupol, many Mariupol residents who remained in the city managed to evacuate. So how is that nazism?
Last edited by Hug; Apr 7, 2022 at 01:15 PM.
Ok I really don't want to argue with you because I know this is a personal matter to you, but I also cannot support misinformation like this without calling it out.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
any ukrainian can join it regardless his/her political ideologies or lack thereof.

Not true. They are a far-right group that are very vocal about their beliefs. Saying that anyone can join Azov is like saying anyone can join Al-Qaeda, just pure misinformation.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
So regarding your statement everyone who joins Azov automatically becomes "nazi scum"?

No, but Azov as a group are clearly neo-nazis, there is no denying that. So to even consider joining them you must be sharing at least some of their beliefs, which doesn't necessarily make you a nazi but certainly means you support them.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Yes, there were incidents when separate individuals, who were involved in criminal cases, fought for some period of time as part of Azov regiment, but what then? Let's nullify all the deeds of all the regiment? That is stupid.
National Socialism in Germany is based on theories of anti-Semitism, racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. So where is it in multicultural Azov?

I don't know where you get your information but Azov are extremely anti-semitic white nationalists. Calling them "multicultural" is just ridiculous. It's like you're reading directly off their recruitment leaflet.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Are there many of nationalists? Yes, hundred percent. What's wrong with being a nationalist? Our nation is young and someone needs to build it. I see a squeamish attitude in the so-called progressive countries towards nationalists and patriots but for us they became a backbone of national resistance and military formations, they were among the first to defend our country when Russia attacked us in 2014.

Yes I'm not saying that they never did anything good or that being a nationalist is inherently wrong. What you can't deny though is that they literally support nazi ideology.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Do they have paganism attributes? Yes, they do, but what's wrong with that if this is a tribute to our ancestors?

This might be lost in translation because I have no idea what paganism has to do with anything here.

Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Thanks to Azov and other units defending Mariupol, many Mariupol residents who remained in the city managed to evacuate. So how is that nazism

I mean, how is that not nazism...? Nazis heavily support defending their own country, that's in the core of their ideology. So I don't really see your point. As I said defending your country is not wrong and they are doing good by defending Ukraine, but it's still not a group to be supported for obvious reasons.

If you still think they aren't neo-nazis after seeing the sources bellow, you are clearly lying to yourself and you are just as brainwashed as the Russians that you speak of.
If you think supporting neo-nazis is somehow justified in this situation you're basically proving that Russia is right about you being a Nazi supporter.
Last edited by Smaguris; Apr 7, 2022 at 03:13 PM.
Ok, regarding greektimes they link their info to RIA Novosti - the main russian propagandist media so I miss this instantly. In another article they also mistake a Slavic symbol Kolovrat with Black Sun, calling it a nazi symbol. What I want to clarify at first is that the nazis didn't create new symbols they just took them from Germano Scandinavian and Slavic cultures. That's what I wanted to say first.

Secondly, regarding the history of Azov as a regiment. Yes, it was created by Biletsky with a help of Avakov (Armenian ethnos) and also oligarch Kolomoiskiy (jew), both of them are highly objectionable in our society. Avakov for a long time was a Minister of Internal Affairs and built a very corrupted system. He, basically, completely subjugated the police, brought to the political scene a lot of scoundrels, and his actions, and soon his person began to cause a lot of public outrage and protests.
Kolomoiskiy - co-owner of the Privat group, a well-known corrupt official. In 2020, according to the OCCRP, he was among the four largest corrupt officials in the world, on charges of stealing $ 5 billion from Privatbank through a number of offshore companies.

Also, there also was named Botsman/Maliyuta (Sergei Korotkih). This person is just garbage, one of the biggest pieces of shit that Avakov brought to Ukraine and made him work on him as a personal killer.
He is a famous Belarus-Russian neo-nazi, student of the KGB school, who helped to establish connections between russian MVD and neo-nazi movements. If you are interested in that topic - watch the Vlady Antonewicz documentary about it

Comparing Azov to Al-Qaeda is just nonsense, I don't even want to dig into it. Azov is a part of the National Guard, it's official and the same laws apply to it as to other battalions.
Regarding multicultural
Azerbaijani in Azov
Georgian in Azov
Russian in Azov
Belarussian brigade in Azov

Now about these images of neo-nazis that Bellingcat posted. I will not deny this, it would be stupid, that some people from nationalist or football hooligan movements in Ukraine, same as in many other post-soviet countries, are following neo nazi ideas, using their symbols and stuff like that. There's nothing to be proud of, I would even say it's a shame. A shame, that those people do not know the history of our country and how our nation suffered from 3d Reich's nazis same as we have suffered from the USSR.
I know that the co-founder of Azov Biletsky has a bond with the ex-minister of MVD Avakov. Biletsky often expresses an active position on political crimes made by others but never actually confronted Avakov despite so many repressions towards Ukrainian patriots, activists, and combatants. It is a shame indeed and it shouldn't be like that.

My point is that the Azov regiment as a structure should not be judged by the deeds of these individuals, ESPECIALLY now, when Azov has transformed pretty much into a high standard regiment, that has proven its devotion to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
Azov is not a neo nazi organization, it is not institutionalized in there, the regiment is subordinate to the Ukrainian military command, their military doctrine, and the laws of Ukraine. That is it, now you can call me brainwashed if you wish but I stand my ground.
Last edited by Hug; Apr 7, 2022 at 06:35 PM.
I respect that you aren't completely denying it and I think we should leave it at that.

I don't think they transformed into anything different, it's not like they kicked all the obvious nazis from the battalion. The way I see it, the only reason they are in national guard is because they are very well trained with guns and Ukraine needs all the help they can get at the moment. They do not follow the same regime as the Ukraine army, they are still independant.

I can see why you would defend them, but frankly speaking they are globally known as neo-nazis and it's pretty much a fact. That said I don't think they deserve any respect at all. They are doing the right thing but for the wrong reasons.

ANYWAYS change of subject:
A lot more atrocities are being uncovered in Bucha right now, even beheadings. Here's an article detailing some findings today for anyone interested (some NSFW images though):

Also Russia has just been kicked out of UN Human Rights Council, big blow to their credibility even in Russians' eyes.

Looks like soon they will have no choice but to retreat the way things are progressing. The only thing keeping Russia from bankrupting now is their oil, but that's not going to last forever.
Right now Russians have bombed a railway station in Kramatorsk, reportedly it was OTR-21 Tochka-U, with cluster warheads, which is banned by CCM, for it poses an immediate threat to civilians during the conflict by randomly scattering submunitions or bomblets over a wide area. They also wrote "ทฐ ดตยตน"(For children) on its tail.
Reportedly 40 dead, 100 injured (2 children confirmed atm)

The only evacuation trains from the Donetsk region depart from Kramatorsk. All buses go to Kramatorsk to transfer to trains there.


Also notable, rashists telegram channel posted "20 minutes ago rocket arrivals on Kramators railway station. Targeting accumulation of ZSU militants" (screenshot was saved)
But later they deleted this post and wrote instead "Judging by the location of the wreckage of the Tochka-U, the arrival was from the south-west from the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Same as russian propaganda accused Ukraine of bombing Kramatorsk.


They also made a post on another channel at 00:09 of today "citizens who evacuate from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and other cities nearby, I'd rather you not to use railway"
Last edited by Hug; Apr 8, 2022 at 11:48 AM.
Thank you Hug, for independently documenting and sharing with us the stark; horrifying reality of the Russian invasion on Ukraine.

My prayers go out the innocent civilians suffering through this atrocity of war, may you and your loved ones make it out the other side unscathed and unharmed. Stay strong, brethren. Much love.