In 0 gravity your not supposed to head towards the ground, there is 0 gravity pulling you down.

Proof that 0 = 0 and not 0 = -.1

0+-.1=-.1, -.1=0-.1, therefore -.1 is -.1 less than 0 and -.1 !=0.
the god
In 0 gravity your not supposed to head towards the ground

Indeed culapou is correct.. it's a matter of physics, if you start suspended in the air far enough away from uke so you will never encounter uke or the ground with 0 0 0 gravity you will never touch the ground.. you are suspended in your own little momentum bubble.. that never falls towards any plane of existance.. of course the ground is always there but think about 0 0 9.82 gravity.. 0 0 999 gravity.. hmm? it's a constantly accelerating world that has no plane of intersection... an infinite force drives you away from the only one that exists.. :P
/set gr 0 0 -30
HEy guys,
I´m about making a mod and when I wanted to move the 2nd object and the first one moves ,too although I selected the 2nd. Why? How can I move only one Object.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I use the standard modcreator: worldbuilder.lua.
And can you guys suggest better scripts for making mods?


Last edited by InYaFace; Feb 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM.
Inyaface, after you make an object, you can press P, this will duplicate the object and unselect the first one, or you can press -, then *, using -/+ to toggle selection.
the god
How can I rotate objects?
I noticed that theres a limit of twelve objects.
That sucks!
Why does my mod explode?
Attached Files
myfirstmod.tbm (2.0 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by InYaFace; Feb 16, 2010 at 12:29 PM.
k i need help i put classic after i had fun with a mod but my tori is in midair like heres the board


You can have 16 objects max, just edit 4 more objects into notepad, or dl 16 object worldbuilder.

To rotate an object press . then the numbers, like changing size.
the god