Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Poisonking View Post
Name: Poisonking

Belt: Black Belt

Bans, infractions or warnings: none

Past clans and why you left them: Sil3nt They had horrible members and scammers

Anyone you know in this clan: none

Why do you want us: If I do get accepted, It would be nice to feel a real clan (no scammers)

Why should we want you: I'm a black belt, and I always try my hardest

Best mods: wushu, aikido

worst mods: judo, twin swords

At least 150 words about yourself: I'm very easy going,

very friendly,

Toribash is my favorite game other than Destiny,

I'm 14 and my birthday is July 19, 2000

I don't get mad

nobody is my enemy

Thank you for Reading my application

P.S. my real name is Ryan

Here's a tip. Instead of saying P.S., say your name at the beginning. Make paragraphs, not rough draft notes. There shouldn't be a template on how to make an application. Also, the 150 words about yourself, actually look like 50. Also, everyone get's mad. There is no perfect person, so saying that isn't truth. Same as saying you have no enemies.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
Originally Posted by Poisonking View Post
Name: Poisonking

Belt: Black Belt

Bans, infractions or warnings: none

Past clans and why you left them: Sil3nt They had horrible members and scammers

Anyone you know in this clan: none

Why do you want us: If I do get accepted, It would be nice to feel a real clan (no scammers)

Why should we want you: I'm a black belt, and I always try my hardest

Best mods: wushu, aikido

worst mods: judo, twin swords

At least 150 words about yourself: I'm very easy going,

very friendly,

Toribash is my favorite game other than Destiny,

I'm 14 and my birthday is July 19, 2000

I don't get mad

nobody is my enemy

Thank you for Reading my application

P.S. my real name is Ryan

I vote no
Hi name is Bathious. Some people call me Bath for short.

My age is 13 for those of you who want to know.

The only hobbies I have are Toribash and CS:GO, (AKA, Counter Strike Global Offence.)

My timezone is Eastern Time, so if people want to play with me I get on at 5:00pm Eastern Time on weekdays and just random on weekends.

I have many reasons to join your clan, One of them is that ive been in your clan before but I was only temporary and I want to join for real. The second reason is because I want to fight in a clan and the tag (Apex) looks awesome. Third is because when I was in your clan it had a great community with amazing players.

By the way MindStorm I am black belt now and ive read the Apex Clan Recruitment page and saw it's highly recommended to be black belt, now I'm just hoping that being a black belt increases my chances of joining.

I've thought of joining other clans but I think being in one that has a great community and great players will make this clan better than the others that don't.

I am applying now because I have gotten better and have now understood more than what I have before. Before it was just luck sadly, I really thought I was good but I realized I wasn't, now it's not luck that makes me win against skilled players, it's my understanding of how things work on the tori and what works with what.

No I haven't been banned on Toribash ever, only on a server because I was too good. xD. Just kidding.

The main mods I play are Ninjutsu and Lenshu.

Thank you for reading my application. .
Last edited by Bathious; Oct 3, 2015 at 04:22 AM.


Why Do I Want To Join Your clan

Why I should join

Thank you for reading my application, Sincerely, DEAD6IX
I would like to join :)
Hi! Im Erik, i pretty much listen to any music genre
Belt: only green, i lost my main character, but im still good
My hobby irl is taekwondo, black belt.
I havent been in a clan before, would look foward in it.
I respect others and will never argue.
I want to join because you are really cool and seem nice
I can spar, skeet, do normal modes like aikido (favorite), judo etc.
My w/l isnt that good because i usually have fun like sparring
Toribash is my favorite game, i play it daily and im ingame even if not playing
I can show my skills if you want to just message me and we can fight!
I hope i will get accepted
Last edited by dnmpyah; Oct 8, 2015 at 05:11 PM.
Hello I am Dominic!
I am a 6Th Dan Black Belt!
The mods I enjoy playing would be Jousting, Mushu, WushuBox, Judo, (And also other popular mods that people play a lot.)
I want to contribute anything possible in this Clan! I also left a clan recently named Jinx. The reason I left that because it was the most inactive clan.
I am on Toribash everyday playing my favorite mods I do get loses/wins most of the time! My win ratio is 64% if that's good.
Why I want to join Apex because there is a youtuber named FaZe Apex that I watch so this clan caught my eye. Add me on steam SwaggyBananas because I am on everyday. When u guys need me just send me a message so I can join ya. I also want to be in every teamwork thing u guys suggest for me or anyone to do! Hopefully this is a good application to join this Wonderful Clan!!!!
Name: Ethan.
Fully clean account, no warnings etc.
Belt: Brown belt.
Why do you want to join Apex?

I haven't joined a clan before, so I'm interested.
I played with a member of Apex in a tourney, He recommended i apply to this clan.
Apex seems like it has a friendly member base, and i'd like to represent a group when i'm playing Toribash and hopefully be a good addition to the clan.

Best mods: Aikido and Aikido variants, Judo, Wushu and Mushu

I'm sub par at other mods, But i like to practice sparring.

At least 150 words:

My name is Ethan, or SeaTurtleMan. From Perth, Australia ( GMT+8 )
I'm a pretty laid back person, I just like to have fun.
A few hobbies i have are: Making and managing game servers, playing games and skating.I also play a lot of guitar.
Some of my favourite games are Counter Strike:GO, Arma series, Toribash, Grand theft auto 5, Battlefield 4 and Kerbal Space Program.

I like turtles if that wasn't evident enough, they're just awesome creatures.
I'm thinking of working on a custom stance called "Turtle Crouch" But i haven't really gotten to it yet
My favourite types of attacks to do in Toribash are kicks and crouch kicks, I prefer to play relax most of the time
and most of my recent play time i have been concentrating on perfecting body positions for kicks. And I've come a long way in that short amount of time. I think i have become more competitive in toribash but also more open to joining other people.
I think you should accept my application because i am ready to work with a team and learn from others. Also it's pretty exciting to be able to have team motivation in tournaments.

Thank you for reading my application!
Last edited by SeaTurtleMan; Oct 27, 2015 at 03:48 PM.
Ay m8's how u goin?
good great, i dont care this shitpost is about me.
tbh i havent played in years, im a brown belt, rank 400, ranks must be broken.
sometimes i make textures.
i never capitalize my i's
kinda just lookin for a group to play with, im an aussy.
Ill upload some replays if u want, but ill have to make some first, deleted by client after not playin for too long.
also ill be playin heaps more of the game now.
ye, not a serious player just wanna screw around.
Hello, I'd like to apply for Apex, and here's some good reasons you should accept me!

Despite my quite young age of 13, I am pretty mature, and the only time I'll be mean is if someone is being a total jerk in chat.
I'm a brown belt, unranked. I guess my rank thing is broken. Anyways, I'm male, my name's Khyler Mcmahan, my aliases are Steven, Mike and Bob, and I tend to game. When I'm not gaming, I'm either on a trip, eating or sleeping. I also listen to music when I fight, usually intense music. Also, the only mod I'm GOOD at is judo. Well, I don't have much else to say, other than my Skype. My skype is Steven Alias. Thank you for reading my application.