Originally Posted by matarika View Post
Ohhh no we have to do something about this
i don't know how much more of this inactivity our clan can take. We had a good run in the past. If a dead clan is what it comes to, than so be it. We can't force activity. As much i as don't want this clan to die like you guys do, if thats where we are headed, then......i don't know what to say or do...

well we need to get back our old inactivity but idk why, much member are innactive so i must take care of that thing if this doesnt change.

and as ugotpwned1 say we should open a recruitment server and test or after recruiting one of us test him...
just a fancy signature
like i said i did make recruitment servers, many and waited up all night for people to join, and no body joined.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Just make one server and wait like 2 minutes or just go to a server with lots of people and tell if anyone wants to join backflips.Then tell them to go to your server.If you dont have that moment just press /jo Backflips Recruiting Server and then the other recruiters must do the same.Just dont forget to do this first or someone else will be the opperator.?Did I say that right?
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
like i said i did make recruitment servers, many and waited up all night for people to join, and no body joined.

well the fast way is activing(idk how to tell it) like joining some tourney or GMtourney, and i u fing a good payer, just wisper him and ect ect
Originally Posted by asdsasds View Post
Just make one server and wait like 2 minutes or just go to a server with lots of people and tell if anyone wants to join backflips.Then tell them to go to your server.If you dont have that moment just press /jo Backflips Recruiting Server and then the other recruiters must do the same.Just dont forget to do this first or someone else will be the opperator.?Did I say that right?

ye right
just a fancy signature
ok i'll get on it
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Ok im gonna help too. Mata. just tell me when you are making a recruitment server and ill help
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Originally Posted by Darkerharder View Post
guys i just lost my faking phone yesterday and now i must change all of my password crap crap

Oh shit! you didnt delete the history didnt you?.. LOL
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Guys this inactivity .-. sthap it, I don't wan't you guys to die .-. DON'T DIE! ok good, that's it for me right now..
I'm not sure what's happening anymore