Anyone wants to step in and help?

Well, map board I'll finish today, It's plain copy/paste city stamps job.
Items, some will be copy/paste from the comic book (game is based on the Lord Baltimor comic). some will have to draw, but no big deal.

Cards with mini-quests, this is where someone could help me.
I have a card template, and job is simple, write the text I provide you on text layer in PSD file, save and export for web as JPG, name the card like itemxxx.jpg (where xxx is the number). Then do the same for 49 others. XD

Tokens, well, for tokens I'll have to contact ImmortalPig or ImmortalCow or Gorman.
He's good in Blender. Job is to make a simple model of a token, do a UV texture unwrap , put image texture on that map then check does it fits correctly, if it does - export as obj and that is all.

Making a PDF rule book is real chore. Since, even this stuff with 3D objects is easy (once you make one texture and see how it maps, it's basically a job of applying just new textures). Rule book could take time proportional to making all other stuff listed. D:
So far my board game is progressing just fine.
Here are some screenshots from my test-play today...

Screeny One

Screeny Two

Screeny Three

Improved version and quite thematic, following the comics about Lord Baltimore.

I'll explain in short.

Story of the comic:
During the WW I, lord Baltimore was wounded and left for dead on no men land. When the vampires came to feed on the blood of dead soldiers he fought one and scared his face, vampire in return infected his wounded leg and later it has to be amputated.
Vampire that he scared came to the hospital where he was recovering and told him that he woke them from the slumber and that from now on the vampires will wage war against humanity. The name of that ancient vampire was Haigus. Same day a plague started in the whole world and WW I was finished.

When Baltimore came home he discovered that his parents and sister died from the plague. Only his wife survived. While he was resting, Haigus came to his house and ripped the throat of his wife (later she turned into vampire too). Baltimor has to kill her, along with his parents and sister which all came back as vampires.

He left his home with makeshift wooden leg prosthetic and went to wage his own war against all vampires and to find and kill Haigus. In his quest he gain some allies and friends that fought together with him.

Now in my game:

Lord Baltimor is the character that gives you quests and send you to resolve the rumors. You do that by choosing one of 6 characters to play and traveling on the map of Europe, fighting monsters, resolving quests and rumors.

In the top right corner of the map three random Henchmen are your main enemies. Each time you solve the quest or rumor you gain one rumor token which you use to find a location of the Henchmen, which then spawns on the map and you can kill them like any other monster.

As long their whereabouts are not discovered they spawn monsters on the map, which can turn into nests. There are zombies, vampires, demons and plague monsters, that can be spawn on the map.

One game turn is consistent of two phases: DAY and NIGHT. Each phase you can do 2 actions: Those actions can be: travel, fight, gain ally, solve quest, solve rumor, heal, gain gear item, gain weapon item or gain spell.

DAY and NIGHT have their cons and pros. For instance, vampires at night have more strength, and less during the day. Also, if you don't kill a vampire during the night, at the next phase (during the day) he will transform into vampire nest. And nests spawn even more vampires during the night phase.

Also, I've added a mechanic that can turn your friends into enemies. It is a cooperative game, but, for instance, if you lose health (get struck by) in fight with a medium or high tier vampire, you have to pass the corruption check. If you fail the check, you are infected with vampire-ism that can't be cured, and your corruption can be just slowed down, and for that you have to drink blood every night. Eventually you turn into vampire and became Henchmen, now fighting other players.

I've also added an option for some characters to have family. For instance, soldier starts with two family cards: wife and child. And you set these cards beside your character sheet and put a token of the city from which you have started a game (you family is living in your starting city).
If the monster spawns on the city where your family is and if you or any other player don't kill it, you lose one of your family members which then means you have to draw a card from the deck which resolves the situation by putting some lasting effects on you.
Like, alcoholism -''Test Charisma every night phase, you need two successes, if you fail you where drinking all night to forget your pain, skip your actions for that phase''
That is bad effect. But, there are also some 'good', like Vengeful Wrath - ''You are set on the road of vengeance, add +1 dice every time you fight monsters, but your actions prevent you to be in a group with other players.''

And, this thing. 'groping', means you can form a party with other players, traveling together and fighting together, doing actions together, which has it's advantages when you need to fight groups of enemies and solve quests, because if one player fails in dice rolls, other might succeed (better chances).

So, you gather rumor tokens, spend them to bring Henchmen onto map and kill them, before the scale of DARK reach the bottom and they succeed to summon ultimate demon.

There is a scale of LIGHT which goes up every time you resolve quest or kill a Henchmen, and scale of DARK that goes down every time you fail the quest or Henchmen move it down by their special abilities (some of them can do that).

In any case, lots of things can happen in this game and good cooperation is essential for winning. There is an item trade between players, skill upgrade, grouped actions, later PVP and your character can even lose a limb or mutate into monster...

Fun game. :>

Last edited by 8OJ4N; Jan 1, 2015 at 01:00 AM.
Boy..bit demanding..will read this soon.

Happy new year to you boj! ;)

Happy new year fl0wers!
Your messed up world enthrills me