Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My ingame name is Nieksas. I am 15 years old. I am from Lithuania. My gmt is +2. I am looking for a clan to get more experience and have fun. I mostly like playing aikido and abd. I am 2nd dan. I was in Nova before. I'll do my best for the clan. I am daily active and as you can see I play since 2011.
Player card :

Player card

And a random picture of me :


Hello there.
I'm 17 years old from Austria and a bit of a nutcase.
As for the application I'm not too sure what you wish for.
First of all I'd say I have quite bright personality but a dark humor, like I just love bringing people down to my niveau and beat them with experience, but that aside I'm friendly to people who are nice to me. I stopped playing toribash from time to time because of family issues which are now cleared so I guess I'll stay this time.
The reason why I want to join Rust is that you seem like a lovely bunch and that I somehow remember the name 'Uncle' but I'm not too sure why, also Butler sounds familiar, when he's the guy I remember he's pure awesomeness.

Hope I did well.
Last edited by Zyrax; Jan 25, 2014 at 02:02 PM.
Rust (r) Application
Hello, My name is William, I am 13 Years of age, I have played Toribash for quite awhile now.
Old account name(that i don't use anymore): bronyfan Belt: Master
New account name: HellToHeaven Belt: Green
I would like to join Rust because I feel like I will have a great time with all of your clan members!
Skype username: Will.lucaitis1

Have a nice day!
Hello my name is Dillan I'm an active member and can start being more active on the forums I was just fighting with tritrio and said to come and recruit so here I am. My strongest mod is aikido but I'm open to learn other mods with help my worst mod is wushu but as I said I'm willing to learn. I'm a kind player and always say gg after every fight no matter what I'm only blue belt so I'm not extremely good but that also means I have room to improve and get good. I'm happy to enter touniments but I'm 15 going on 16 so school may be a problem. I'd be happy to be in the clan rust and hope to be this clan thanks for your concideration.
Hey Rust! My name is Wouter, 18 years old, and from the Netherlands.
My username eoras stands for the study that I'm doing right now, Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences (Sounds boring right ;) )

I originally joined Toribash 4 years ago, but played with several accounts and long breaks.
I'm a Black Belt, currently playing all kinds of tourneys (judo, aikido, mushu, judofrac).
I consider myself an intermediate player, and improving myself daily.

Anyways, I'd love to be in Rust, let me know what you think!

P.S. Added a replay of mine
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