Endurance Onslaught 6.0
hello, avatar-less rainboweye.

played any H&H lately?
Wonder if anyone struck it rich in our stuff yet lol
I can't find any good avatar.

No I haven't played H&H for a long time because Don stopped playing and JDick also stopped. I won't play alone. All our stuff is probably stolen now.
from what i've read,there is a chemical in various types of mint that activates the pleasure center in cats brains,it is similar to pheromones released during oestrus.catnip is from the mint family.in many parts of the world,it is called catmint,not catnip.

wow whoever typed that does not understand basic sentence structure...
Wow, I've missed a lot.
MintCat rejoined Parrot. Shit must've went down.

Catch me up a bit on things shall you?
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
nope ur wrong schools a freaking cake walk, quit cho bitchin
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
a cakewalk if you go to a culinary school (see what I did there?)

I'd probably have straight As if I did more than 0% of my homework and spend Computer Science class actually doing shit instead of playing Happy Wheels... oh well

oh almost forgot to add that I ruined my GPU and can barely play TB (like .01 fps) and cannot play any other game
I'm getting a new one but it'll take 2 week to get here, and I'm too lazy to drive off to MicroCenter lol