Originally Posted by Lapsus View Post
I think that changing the character models would break any existing replays, because the replays depend entirely on the physics engine and models to be consistent. If you open one up in notepad, you'll see that they're essentially just a list of what joints were changed, and at what frames. It's also the reason why replays don't work very well, if at all, with scripts that affect the characters.

This only currently happens because the "models" are primitives based on the hitboxes, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Jalis View Post
This only currently happens because the "models" are primitives based on the hitboxes, not the other way around.

As a design choice it isn't entirely stupid, hampa just wanted to give the Toribash models an authentic physical feel based on the actual model used. I'm more concerned about how the physics are calculated, it seems that the time complexity is either quadratic or exponential, and really for a physics engine to work well you want it to be polynomial at most. I don't think it uses any kind of octree model to separate the physical objects into groups to check for collisions, and the solutions hampa has hacked in for when there are collisions to stop the joins from glitching out are slowing the game down significantly. The reason Toribash even needs you to have a good CPU is the physics engine, which I would characterise as "poorly programmed".
Yo, people, there's some stuff I wanted to ask:
First: Are you guys making a new version?
Second: If yes, then could you make a version without errors?
I mean, so i make cool replays I have to press r and change the replay, then when I make this for some times, I press space and... BOOM!
It erases all the work going to the starting position, time etc...
But, this is on 3.91, on 3.9 I have nothing to say bad...

Originally Posted by BBCS View Post
Yo, people, there's some stuff I wanted to ask:
First: Are you guys making a new version?
Second: If yes, then could you make a version without errors?
I mean, so i make cool replays I have to press r and change the replay, then when I make this for some times, I press space and... BOOM!
It erases all the work going to the starting position, time etc...
But, this is on 3.91, on 3.9 I have nothing to say bad...


1. Yes, Toribash is actively being developed.
2. ... You're seriously asking for a glitch-free game to be made? Seriously?

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
1. Yes, Toribash is actively being developed.
2. ... You're seriously asking for a glitch-free game to be made? Seriously?

You have no idea man, those koreans make some serious glitch-free games. I'm not kidding, I used to play a game called KSF, developed by a korean game studio, and they entirely eradicated every glitch in it in a month.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
You have no idea man, those koreans make some serious glitch-free games. I'm not kidding, I used to play a game called KSF, developed by a korean game studio, and they entirely eradicated every glitch in it in a month.

Because, you know, game development is based on which country you are in/from, not how much money or how many or how good your programmers are.

Originally Posted by watersurf View Post
If hampa dies,who will take over nabi studios?

To be honest it would probably be scrapped.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
You have no idea man, those koreans make some serious glitch-free games. I'm not kidding, I used to play a game called KSF, developed by a korean game studio, and they entirely eradicated every glitch in it in a month.

There will never be completly bug-free software.
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