wow demie im really happy to see u here i think u deserve ur co-leader rank

and guys dont forget ! be respectfull it's not war to know who's the co-leader its a personal choice of me and nevil

devil what's the problem ? who's not repesting u -.-

plot. and llor. -1

Come on God plot its not the first time i think ! its not cuz u did more then everyone in the clan then u are sure to not be kick out of the clan !
llior. take this like a warning like plot just watch out and devil pls tell me why u report nick ?

Someone wanna have the rank of ''COP''
Last edited by DJEKING; Jun 4, 2010 at 03:18 AM.
well maybe u dont know but demie was my leader for 4-5 weeks this guy was a really good leader he had leadership HE will help me to make the cop VS some ppl who just cant stop complaining lol its anoyinh u guys did 4page of Bullshit in the thread lol that sound epic
lol u know nickone then i have still some stuff to sell i mean some set lol watever i can offer u to try to sell my sets for over 30k (( master chief and crysis )) and ill give u 10k