You are below the minimum belt and do not have the skills we are looking for. It's a no man.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Helloooo, I'm nameless! my belt is black, my fav mod is wushu/anything parkour, my activity is shaky in game atm because I'm in college for game development, but I can be on the forums and chill out whenever I want. I've never been banned before. I used to be in steel but apparently they died while I was gone for awhile. I could possibly help with art if anyone wanted anything. I really learned about the clan because I have friends here, and we're like lovers XD (counteralt is my bb). Other than art I'm willing to help with any project really. oh, and my GMT is -5... ummm annnd... most of my replays are me not being serious... so they don't really showcase skill... but... well.. here you go! that should be good... i don't really remember what those replays are but i like those names lol

Awaiting a very sensual response,
Attached Files
parkour with itchy.rpl (1.34 MB, 4 views)
shake dat tori booty.rpl (183.7 KB, 4 views)
True Static.rpl (849.7 KB, 4 views)
lament.rpl (77.3 KB, 4 views)
who needs limbs anyways.rpl (99.9 KB, 4 views)
Beep, Boop
I liked your application Dev you met me tonight ingame before i saw your application and i must say, you don't seem like a bad guy. Tbh you would probably fit pretty well with our clan. Also i understand that you're a bit rusty but we gotta work on that if you want in.

All in all i could see you possibly being invited to Eternal very soon. (Not a promise )
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Hai guys,

My name is Viraly0 (VIRAL-Y0 PLS) or you can call me Gavin. I want to join because this clan is the sexiest of all the clans and I want to help you guys go up in the ranks and get official. I am very active in Toribash ingame and on the forums, and I am loyal. I can kinda sorta maybe do art a little bit also. My best mod is ABD and my worst mod is probably any sort of sparring or parkour because Im bad ;-;. My past clans are: (FC), (Fusion), and (Cry)/(Y). I haven't been banned once. I have no clue what my rank is, if you need it I'll find it. In real life I enjoy music, alot. I also occasionally go outside and hang out with my friends. If you need/want my skype pm me. I hope I get in so I can help you guys.

Replays down below (I name my replays weird stuff sometimes)
Attached Files
counter.rpl (66.3 KB, 4 views)
flip.rpl (38.5 KB, 4 views)
gee.rpl (74.1 KB, 4 views)
Originally Posted by Viraly0 View Post
Hai guys,

My name is Viraly0 (VIRAL-Y0 PLS) or you can call me Gavin. I want to join because this clan is the sexiest of all the clans and I want to help you guys go up in the ranks and get official. I am very active in Toribash ingame and on the forums, and I am loyal. I can kinda sorta maybe do art a little bit also. My best mod is ABD and my worst mod is probably any sort of sparring or parkour because Im bad ;-;. My past clans are: (FC), (Fusion), and (Cry)/(Y). I haven't been banned once. I have no clue what my rank is, if you need it I'll find it. In real life I enjoy music, alot. I also occasionally go outside and hang out with my friends. If you need/want my skype pm me. I hope I get in so I can help you guys.

Replays down below (I name my replays weird stuff sometimes)

Hello Viral, everything you put down seems pretty good, you don't really need to be good at any sparring/parkour to be in but we enjoy doing it I'm not sure if many of the members know you but that shouldn't be an issue. I also enjoy a lot of music myself, i'd say it's pretty much essential to my lifestyle.

Overall it's a yes. Go ahead and introduce yourself on our thread
Last edited by Triton; Oct 13, 2014 at 09:40 AM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Hey Eternal
Name: Slinkydd
Age: 14
Belt: Black
world rank: 13000 ( from slight inactivity)
GMT: +1
Mods you are Skilled in: I would say that I am good at aikido, Wushu parkour and judo. In fact, I have done Ju-jitsu in real life for the past 10 years now which helps exceptionally with developing a fighting style in the judo orientated mods.
Game Activity[1-10]: 9
Forum Activity [1-10]: 10 ( while I am playing toribash I always the forums open.
Past Clans: in the past, I was invited to a clan known as 'the Forsaken ones' by the co-leader 'Onsola' and I was going to accept it until I came across this organised team based group that work excellently together as a clan. Therefore, I declined the invite from 'Forsaken' and decided to apply for this great clan. Hopefully I impress you and made the right decision in declining 'Forsaken'
What can I do to assist the clan: I enjoy working effectively with others closely in a team as I have seen going on here. I am very active on the forums, and am an experienced navigator on the forum. Also I will always fight with my all and give the clan all I have got inside of me!
Why do I want to Join Eternal?: I would like to join Eternal, because as I say, this clan is an excellent, organised and welcoming group of people that I would love to be a part of. Also, the successfulness of the clan appeals to me and I would be honoured to be a part of the development and victories of the clans future.
What do I do in my Spare time?: As I previously said,I am a student of Japanese Ju-Jitsu and I enjoy gaming with my friends, however I prioritise my time wisely, making sure I have time for my essential studies as well as my recreational activities. I play toribash the most often out of my steam library and it is a great game in my opinion that mixes skill with memory.
Skype: lucasbadu.
I thank you for allowing me to apply and I hope to hear from you guys soon.
Thanks a lot!
Attached Files
99.0% parkour.rpl (234.5 KB, 2 views)
head decap in aikido!.rpl (62.5 KB, 2 views)
Name: LockHead
Belt and Win ratio: Brown /90%
Past bans/bad history: No
GMT: +1
Mods that your skilled In: aikido,judo,jousting,pendulum jump,wushu
Game activity[1-10]:7
Forum activity[1-10]: 1
Past Clans[If u had any]:
What can u do to help with the clan: Help to the War
Why do u want to join Eternal: because it is a clan that I admire
Skype Name (If u have Skype): No