Okay, the first kick was alright, but then it went crazy from there.
I feel you were too close to Uke, and couldn't get enough
momentum to do any booms. The decap was okay, but could've been faster.
And I don't know what you were doing with your hand near the end. xD
If you were going for a floor-skeet, why didnt you do it? You had a nice setup.
Pose was nice.

You were a bit stiff, too.
Don't be afraid to relax after a dm. It'll make the hit look smooth.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
well, opener was nice, i loved it.
The next hit was okay but you can get more than justa hip.
The next hit was confusing.
Decap was okay but can be ddone more better.
No skeet? you can do a skeet.
Your movement was sometimes stiff.
Pose was okay for me.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Opener was good and realistic, but after the opener you just make a crappy kick and the replay turns too messy. The decap wasn't impressing at all. It could have been easily improved.
And why no skeet??
New replay. Been working on it for 3-5 days, would love to hear the feedback if anyone still views my replays. Don't know if you're not allowed to post on this after a certain amount of time, if not my bad.

Enjoy the replay.
Attached Files
Proximus.rpl (156.5 KB, 27 views)

Best Laugh

Lovely replay, Prox.
Could use a better pose though.
Other than that, I loved it. Nice flow, hits were nice.

On another note, I'd like to do a collab with you, at some stage in the future.