Original Post
[Event]250tc for each vote
Hi all.
We are organizing this event for helping a frend (TheLead),
He and his band are partecipating in a big contest held by an italian radio if he win this contest he'll play in a huge concert with a lot of famous italian's singers this is a big opportunity for him. Anyway, what can you do for helping him ?
Just click the button ''Votami'' (vote in italian)in this LINK and then add some random data to confirm the vote you can vote once a day.
for each vote (with a proof you've voted) i'll give you 250tc.

Last edited by Weddark; Jun 14, 2010 at 10:21 AM.
Originally Posted by Weddark View Post

Shaogorath : I sended you 250 tc Prof
Yekaman : Sended ^^
ChiptroN : Ty sended

That was for the first time i voted.

Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post
k i voted

1st time
Originally Posted by Shaogorath View Post

voted ^ proof

2nd time

Smack Bitches.

Originally Posted by fightback View Post

... Gime that cash =)

oH ^nother one.

Last edited by fightback; Jun 20, 2010 at 01:10 PM.
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.