really I just wanted something slightly lighter than sapphire with the tyrain end just try to make it match my set.

just go for something like what I sent you in the pm execpt raise the flame up slightly not all the way at the top but just slightly.
Hey tinner, I need 2 leg flames that are creative. Im not sure about color yet, but just be creative with what the 2 flames do. Lemme know what you can make in the 80-90k each price range.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars

yourface, your flame, like it?
fittedto your set:


we talked about this, this is some fast work, you can ask for whatever you want.

Also, 90k each, 100k for uniqueness :P
Last edited by Tinerr; Aug 13, 2009 at 09:54 PM.
Can i get a light purple (sorta violet) head flame that spirals upwards? i can spend 200k on that. (make it maximum quality/height please, as long as its under 200k)

And can i get 2 pincil hand flames? Exactly as seen in picture.

i will buy after i see a screen shot of what they will look like. leave out the pincils XD

if i ordered 2 agony wings one left and one right could i get a discount?

and may i see more screenshots of those pincel hand flames
Last edited by Julespino; Aug 14, 2009 at 04:45 PM.
I can trade you 3 flames for 2 flames.
I will trade you an Elf head flame a Gladiator hand Flame and a Hadoken hand Flame.
2 Imperial or Rage Feet Flames or both of your agony wing flames.
UTM 4ever |4bb ÝÕ ÔÛï áÛÐŅÐÚÞŌ
Alivip: working on that.

Julespino: the Agony wings need some fixing, and yes, not a great one, but a -5k from total discount will be made.
and sure, let me take more screenies and I will post them in here.

59fifty: sorry, I am looking for tcs only atm.
Originally Posted by Tinerr View Post
Alivip: working on that.

Julespino: the Agony wings need some fixing, and yes, not a great one, but a -5k from total discount will be made.
and sure, let me take more screenies and I will post them in here.

59fifty: sorry, I am looking for tcs only atm.

ok i'm waiting
thank u