Toribash Name:Cosmo325
Real Name [optional]:
Experience [time played]:2 weeks
Belt Rank:orange nearly green
Favourite Mod[s]:aikido judo
Why do you want to join Legion?:because I like the clan and I want to meet knew people and I really want to be in a clan and I will help clan
Previous Clans:none
Toribash Name:KiritoGaming
Real Name:Mark Sandy Dela Pena
Experience:2 Months
Belt Rank:White Belt
Favorite Mod[s]:Aikido,Judo
Why Do You Want To Join Legion?:It will make a good first clan and to help out
Previous ClansNone)
toribash name: heco12
experience: since may
belt: brown belt
rank: unranked
favorite mods :judo
why do you want to join the legion: because it means a lot to me
previous clans :none
oh i forgot my rank it was 2785
Last edited by heco12; Dec 29, 2015 at 11:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Toribash Name:TexCreator
Real Name:Adrian
Experience [time played]:4 years but this account is new
Belt Rank:blue
Favourite Mod[s]:judo and aikido
Why do you want to join Legion?:Because i would like to be a part from a big and friendly comunity
Previous Clans:Angels
Control Is the way of victory!
My Name:Crissangel
Ive been playing for 3 years
Belt:3rd dan black belt almost 4th dan
favorite mods:mushu aikido
the reason why is because i used to be in this clan but i left because i wanted to go solo but i feel like with a clan i could get better.
My rank used to be 600 but i hadnt played in a while so my rank went up.
Previous clans:Legion
Last edited by topet1030; Jan 31, 2016 at 01:13 AM.
Toribash Name:Bigpapa810
Real Name [optional]: Jimmy Cole
Experience [time played]: About 6 months
Belt Rank: Brown/Black
Favourite Mod[s]: Mushu, Judo, ABD, Parkour
Why do you want to join Legion?: I want a clan that is active and respects its members
Previous Clans: Beast(SUCKS), Mono(SUCKS)
Attached Files
counter.rpl (60.7 KB, 1 views)
dat bow doe.rpl (54.7 KB, 1 views)
grABB.rpl (89.3 KB, 1 views)
Toribash Name: ninja3002
Real Name [optional]: ~~~~
Experience [time played]: about 2 years
Belt Rank: Black
Favourite Mod[s]: Aikido
Why do you want to join Legion?: I like to be in a team. i am a nice team player and i like the name. XD
Previous Clans: i don't remember it?
Favorite mod: Judo, Mushu
Experience: How to find it?
Prev. Clans: MOFF (Man on Fire Films)
Im gonna offer my skill (and you guys seem friendly, never seen one of you swear)
Toribash Name: Spidergod
Real Name [optional]: Darion
Experience [time played]: 125 Hours
Belt Rank:Blue Rank2689
Favourite Mod[s]:AkidoBigdojo
Why do you want to join Legion?: I want to represent a clan by destroying my opponents.
Previous Clans: None
Toribash Name: TheTruStik
Real Name [optional]: Dylan Wade
Experience [time played]: I would like to say around 1 and half years with breaks in between
Belt Rank: Blue Belt (Almost Brown)
Favourite Mod[s]: Aikido, Mushu, Boxshu
Why do you want to join Legion?: Well first off Legion is a badass name, and because I think I could be helpful to you guys. I am a nice guy, and this could be a very cool first clan for me.
Previous Clans: None