Real name:Eeli
Activity 8/10
Forum activity: 7/10
Galaxy i got kicked for no reason
Because mythology is so good and active
i found mythology because xonoid said i should join this clan
im from finland i dont know so much england
no bans
My Skype is:Eeli alanissila
Im a good fighter im boy from finland i like dogs
no replays.
Hello, I'm Zachary. I'm fourteen years old. I can help the clan by being very active myself. When I'm in a clan I stick to it, and don't scamper off to other ones looking to join them, yes, I may go play other games, but I'll keep in touch with some members in the clan so they can contact me if anything happens. I've been playing toribash since '11, as you can obviously see. I have a great amount of experience and a huge variation of mods. I've been in a good amount of clans including ICoF. Off the topic of toribash, I'm also in the marching band for my school, I play the clarinet. I also enjoy playing basketball, and graphics design. I may be inactive during basketball season, if I make the team, but I hope I am not looked down upon for such action. I feel like I can offer a lot to this clan, and I hope I and accepted into it, thank you for your time.

Real Name:Jeremy
Belt:4th Dan
In-game activity (0-10):8 im back after 2 years
Forum Activity (0-10):7 ^
Any previous clans and why you left them: I honestly don't remember any of them, i was in Atlantic for a little bit.
Why Mythology:You guys seem active and chill so yeah
How did you find Mythology:Stumbled upon it in the forums
How you can you contribute to us:Well once i get my flow and my creating stuffs i can make some replays and textures for you guys
Favorite mods:Lenshu
Any bans/infractions?:Nope
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): i use a mobile hotspot i don't really have a external contact
Something about yourself:Well, i've been homeless for a long time (6 or so years) on and off, i work at coles.
Replays: i actually haven't made any for awhile, so ill have to make a few but i gotta get my flow back
"Orgasmis Maximus *Thud* *Crack* *Boom* I'm Done"
Arjan forced me
Arjan forced me
I can't (Arjan knows)
Grammar nazi
made one 5 minutes ago
Attached Files
my complexity.rpl (118.2 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Lotramoose; Nov 29, 2015 at 02:35 PM. Reason: edit


Hi im yftoshi! I am a black belt and have been playing toribash for a longtime now! I am 12 and I am pretty good considering my age! If I had to rate my in game activity it would be a 7 and forum is a 7 also! I used to be in a clan but i cant quite remember the name. Im choosing mythology because some of my friends were in it and they said it is a great clan! i found mythology because of friends and what not! i can contribute to the clan because im a good aikido and mma player! Favorite mods are in fact mma and aikdo xD. I havent had a infraction yet and I dont plan on getting one. You can rech me on steam (YoShii^*_) . I live in Georgia and i love gaming and also play basketball. I cant upload replays (laptop). Cya thanks!
Good at:(boxshu) mushu,aikido,parkour(a little)
Ingame:9 in thursday friday and saturday
Forum:8 on thursday friday and saturday
Any past clans:galaxy red shadow atakushi?
Why i left them:kicked kicked ignored
Skills:fighting and predicting enemies move(a little)
Why this clan:you seem very talented
Other was to contact me:forum and ingame
Something About me:i love gaming and just beving lazy on THE cough*zzz*
Majdiben, has applied for multiple clans and has been copy and pasting the same shitty app. I have played against this kid and his skills are really low.

Here's a small list of your all clan applications that you made in the last 7 days:

He Applied For:

Here You Are: 11 years old
Reason: "i like this clan and its very talented"

Here You Are: 11 years old
Reason: "becouse is a very talented clan"

Here you are: 11 years old
Reason: "becouse is a very talented clan"

Here You Are: 16 years old
Reason: "becouse is a very tanlented clan"
and here

Here You Are: 11 years old
Reason: "becouse is a very talented clan"

But, here you are 16 years old

Here You Are: 11 years old
Reason: "becouse i like you clan very much"

How the fuck do you grow from 11 to 16 in ONE DAY ?
Last edited by iPrime; Dec 1, 2015 at 01:54 AM.
Haha! Ur mad!