Original Post
Nabi Christmas Head Texture Giveaway
STARTING 22nd Dec 2008, 0000GMT

Free Head Textures!
We are giving away head textures to the more active newbies in the community! Why? Because it's Christmas! Also, each of you will be given a choice of FOUR Hanz0 minion head textures. To be displayed soon.

I will be opening this thread up at 0000GMT on 22nd Dec 2008. Post your APPLICATIONS HERE.

ALL Textures will be send after evaluation, on 30th December 2008.

For 1,500 Qi and below, 100 Sets only.

+Qi Level:
+How long you've been playing:
+Play at least 20 games a day from 22nd Dec to 26th Dec.

For enquiries, PM Riseagainst
Last edited by Gman80; Dec 22, 2008 at 07:17 PM.
Gone Fishing
+Name: Thorac
+Qi Level:821
+How long you've been playing:11-13-2008
+Play at least 20 games a day from 22nd Dec to 26th Dec. mmmmhhhh read post too late ;P
but it said active: guess thats me then!

happy holidays, thorac use this link and start playing. contact me and i ship you some $
I want it...

+Name: Aspire
+Qi Level: about 900+ EDITS: about 1005 WOOT
+How long you've been playing: about 2 months
+Country: Phil
+Play at least 20 games a day from 22nd Dec to 26th Dec.

Can you an exception on me?
look I did not see this thread... until December 25,2008 please....
106 games won... 40 games won and 65 games won.. please...

I am uber active for the past week.. both in-game and forum

If you get an average wins/day from december 19 to december 25,2008 it is 44/5 days

And because of my week's performance.. I am now a black belt !!!!! WOOT

But I still can't afford a head texutre

Ingame Earnings history
Day Ingame Earnings Games Won
26-12-2008 340 34
25-12-2008 270 36
24-12-2008 420 42
23-12-2008 140 25
22-12-2008 140 14
21-12-2008 390 40
20-12-2008 1060 106
19-12-2008 320 65
Last edited by Numb; Dec 27, 2008 at 03:05 AM.
Qi: 94
How long I've been playing: about a month or two i think =\
Country: US
and i do those many games
"We are giving away head textures to the more active newbies in the community!"

Iam a more active newbee. Play one month. But 1700Qi. Thats more active...!

But its to much active für that giveaway....
Name: Vijasek
Qi Level:41
How long you've been playing: 11-10-2008
Country: Poland

Please, gimme one! x3
+Name: Psychopat
+Qi Level: 1115
+How long you've been playing:maybe 4months
+Country: Slovakia
+games: i am active, problem
Originally Posted by cakeman View Post
and im from australia

Cakeman no double posting

Just reminding you