Originally Posted by plotsalot View Post
Yah nick Go get a fucking life otehr than animated stick figures... and ur bag of weed. and ur a lil 14 year old virgin tha tplays with himself... go get some and I donly disrespect bitch... such as NEVIL!

I have a life plot SO fucking what i smoke weed big fucking deal.
mm indeed go 69 her nick. U CAN DO IT.! o waittttt no u cant since ur balls havent dropped yet

no thats not the issue u think ur cool cuzz u do it... and u dropped out of school... ur gonna be some fat dumbass trash man
Originally Posted by llioryt View Post
why dont u go fuck nevil nick since u seem to like her so much

*sorry for double post (if it so bee's) No leo I have respect for girls And im sticking up for her Cause people that dont have respect for women Are fucking assholes
Originally Posted by plotsalot View Post
mm indeed go 69 her nick. U CAN DO IT.! o waittttt no u cant since ur balls havent dropped yet

no thats not the issue u think ur cool cuzz u do it... and u dropped out of school... ur gonna be some fat dumbass trash man

HAHAHAHAH FUCKING DUMB CUNT, 1. Ive probly talked to more girls then u have seen 2. I have a job u DUMBSHIT 3. I goto tafe u DUMBSHIT and finally 4. Your the 1 that sayd u put basiucly all your time into this clan. So looks like your the fat man here
lol ive notified Delaid about those two twats and hopefully he does somthing about it, cause i dont really need drama in my life.
Originally Posted by llioryt View Post
u have no respect for me nick......

Nah not anymore U can get screwed i thort we were mates But nah Piss off
i said alot of time dick muncher... And the only ppl other than ur mom ... is ur pot dealers..and yll u work i bet ur baked half the time.. .and with teh money u make u go buy more pot