G'day lads, I'm DiabolicPanda (known to sparky as Diabetic). I'm a 5th dan. i play BoxshuMushu, Mushu, judo, ABD and ofc...JesusCopter. My name is Jourdan (U isn't spelling mistake i'm just....special...) I was once in this clan but soon kicked for being inactive, which was due to me moving away to Melbourne because to a family divorce, but now i've moved back to Sydney (mainly due to the fact that Melbournians rave till 3am. not kidding.) hmm not much more to say tbh....

Fun Fact! : I ran into a glass window while playing ABD and got 27 stitches in my knee 👍
Shhhh............can you hear the screams?
Originally Posted by DiabolicPanda View Post
G'day lads, I'm DiabolicPanda (known to sparky as Diabetic). I'm a 5th dan. i play BoxshuMushu, Mushu, judo, ABD and ofc...JesusCopter. My name is Jourdan (U isn't spelling mistake i'm just....special...) I was once in this clan but soon kicked for being inactive, which was due to me moving away to Melbourne because to a family divorce, but now i've moved back to Sydney (mainly due to the fact that Melbournians rave till 3am. not kidding.) hmm not much more to say tbh....

Fun Fact! : I ran into a glass window while playing ABD and got 27 stitches in my knee 👍

Panda pls, I was once on a call with you and you're a great guy, don't make me deny you, check the app by Sense and reapply
Originally Posted by DiabolicPanda View Post
G'day lads, I'm DiabolicPanda (known to sparky as Diabetic). I'm a 5th dan. i play BoxshuMushu, Mushu, judo, ABD and ofc...JesusCopter. My name is Jourdan (U isn't spelling mistake i'm just....special...) I was once in this clan but soon kicked for being inactive, which was due to me moving away to Melbourne because to a family divorce, but now i've moved back to Sydney (mainly due to the fact that Melbournians rave till 3am. not kidding.) hmm not much more to say tbh....

Fun Fact! : I ran into a glass window while playing ABD and got 27 stitches in my knee 👍

This app is missing a few of the fundamentals

Originally Posted by Sparky View Post

Must Contain:
*Belt (Min. Black Belt)
*competitive mods (please no mods like Pendulum Jump, etc.)
*Alts (Must be clan-less, if any)
*Previous clans (if any) Ish ✔✘
*Why you left those previous clans (If any) Ish ✔✘
*Why WE need you!

Originally Posted by DiabolicPanda View Post
G'day lads, I'm DiabolicPanda (known to sparky as Diabetic). I'm a 5th dan. i play BoxshuMushu, Mushu, judo, ABD and ofc...JesusCopter. My name is Jourdan (U isn't spelling mistake i'm just....special...) I was once in this clan but soon kicked for being inactive, which was due to me moving away to Melbourne because to a family divorce, but now i've moved back to Sydney (mainly due to the fact that Melbournians rave till 3am. not kidding.) hmm not much more to say tbh....

Fun Fact! : I ran into a glass window while playing ABD and got 27 stitches in my knee ��

Yea, ive seen you ingame before. And are a pretty cool guy. Could you maybe put a little more time into the app? Vote = Pending
Greetings everyone, I am Nerobe. My Real Name Is Benjamin, and I am a 15 year old boy from Sweden. I have been playing Toribash for about a year now and I am a Master belt.

I was In Sinon before I decided to apply here, I didn`t really leave it, but Concon decided to put an end to sinon, and because of that he kicked me and all other Sinon members. I considered myself to be quite active in Sinon. If you need a refrence to my activity feel free to pm con and ask.

When I play Toribash I always try to think Of the most stylish and fun way to move both for me and my opponent. And now for what I think that I could do for this clan, first off I am very social at most times, so I think that I will be able to provide alot of laughs. I am also quite confident In my skills so I think that I would be able to help out alot during wars.

I consider myself to be quite a funny guy. I try to light a room up with my not so corny/funny jokes. Some also may know me from my attitude. I like to help friends out, so never be afraid to contact me.

Pidgenere reccommended me to Vibe/Vobe

Other then playing toribash, I watch alot off anime and I also play Table Tennis.
I mostly listen to Japanese music, my reason for that Is simply becuse I like the way Japanese Music express feeling and the dialects I absolutely love!