Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Super aggressive at lvl 1 and 2. Destroys evarthing.

should I start with q or e?

I would be super agressive, and I've tried that. But I always end up getting killed with the fact there are more then one champion
Replaced my mid with a 2k player (ironically, he was also 2500 elo in dominion and ranked #5 on the leaderboards right before Riot shut those down), and also replaced the jungler with somebody currently 1.6k (top rating was 1850). A much needed change to two people with toxic personalities for a team game. We nearly hit gold in 5s already in one night starting from 1200 and plan on competing in the next Go4LoL.

You guys should watch us play in the next Go4LoL.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Oh my god, I just dc'd in a match for 30 seconds and the entire enemy team get's 3 level ups. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Oct 24, 2012 at 04:08 AM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Replaced my mid with a 2k player (ironically, he was also 2500 elo in dominion and ranked #5 on the leaderboards right before Riot shut those down), and also replaced the jungler with somebody currently 1.6k (top rating was 1850). A much needed change to two people with toxic personalities for a team game. We nearly hit gold in 5s already in one night starting from 1200 and plan on competing in the next Go4LoL.

You guys should watch us play in the next Go4LoL.

I've always imagined how hard it would be to cut someone from a team...

I just wouldn't be able to do it.

Just like: "Hey man! What's up? How's it going, we're doing good, great job.


Oh, by the way, you're off the team "
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I finally got to play AD Taric top.

I beat a Jax who had his jungle camping my lane (Lee Sin), then basically one-hit the enemy Vayne when bot and top lane swapped, cause Jax was getting rofl stomped from infinite sustain.

Gems truly are outrageous.

No one ever lets me play AD Taric either, not even in ARAMS.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
And people don't play Viktor because he scales off poorly because of pretty average ratios, coupled with low base stats and only slightly above average cooldowns and high mana costs. His unique item is also pretty useless as the game progresses. The most useful one in the long run is augment gravity, as pure damage Viktor dies to any focus, so he degrades to a support dps by the end of the game, kinda like Orianna.

However, he's a monster in early game whether you max Q or E first, and his mid game team fight presence is no laughing matter. Chaos Storm is basically a fiddle ult with no channel at that point.

In a nuthsell: There are AP Carries who do what he does, but they just do it much much better.

Fun to play, none the less. Also, that lazer is next to impossible to dodge, seeing how it's invisible half of the time. :P
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
should I start with q or e?

I would be super agressive, and I've tried that. But I always end up getting killed with the fact there are more then one champion

Start with q, e isn't very good lvl 1.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
should I start with q or e?

I would be super agressive, and I've tried that. But I always end up getting killed with the fact there are more then one champion

must get ghost as a summoner, other one either ignite or teleport depending if you want lane presence (ignite) or map presence (teleport) throughout the game. There a couple of build paths for him, you either go cdr-olaf and max e and get items such as shurelia's, randuins, etc but is very team reliant. In team fights you must be able to ghost/ult into the enemy team and kill the ad carry. If you can't kill the enemy ad carry and you die den u iz useless.

The other option is go for a more ad oreintated build and max Q for epic pushing powerz. Your wave clear is monstrous and if you land concecutive Q's on the enemy top then he is going to bad time...really bad time.

They are the only two build paths that I've found effective, both require you to be aggresive in lane.

Originally Posted by Toon View Post
You all just play for wins and don't understand the value of fun. Please gtfo of league.

Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

I think I would enjoy this game more if I had friends I could play with. IT'S not a bad game really. I'm just not a solo player when it comes to these types of games.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by sham View Post
I've always imagined how hard it would be to cut someone from a team...

I just wouldn't be able to do it.

Just like: "Hey man! What's up? How's it going, we're doing good, great job.


Oh, by the way, you're off the team "

It's surprisingly easy to cut somebody. Just say, "We found somebody better suited for the role. It was fun playing with you while we did, and I hope you find an enjoyable team to be with."

Done. Cut. End of story.

Or the more CoD orientated way. "Clutch or Cut." Followed by the imminent death that will follow: "You're cut."
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games