Oh I saw that before! Really smart trick if you are short on money or want to wait for better cases to come out before buying one :]

Bad news though:

Those who have the problem won't get it fixed via software :<

This here case is purty durn sexay though. I'd probably get it if it had a back and was EIGHTY BUCKS!

I'm predicting that in a few weeks, even better cases will be made for more reasonable prices, which I really don't mind paying due to my personal values on protecting my phone and having it look nice while I'm at it.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
lol i could buy a phone for the cost of that case xD

and yea, we already know it's a hardware fault, it can't be fixed by software :P
all the software fix does for the bars is fix their calculations for how they're displayed :/ they should give out free antenna covers or something instead of making people pay for a case or a livestrong wrist band to fix the problem i mean honestly, how much do those phones cost? i understand why you were hoping Jak, why would you want to pay for something that should be fixed for free...
You don't say?
They cost under $200 I think, if I remember a report right. The bumpe case probably costs less than a dollar to make :/

I agree that would be the least harmful move on apples part.
I think it's fishythat they'd make their own case this time, kinda like they saw the need for one but didn't correct the problem.

Also, anyone concerned over the back screen shattering? I certainly won't be able to toss this one onto a table like I could with the first 2 generation designs. Heard that the back panel is easy to remove though, so I'm betting that in a few months, some people might make replaceable backs outta different materials maybe.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Just put the phone in a titanium case with an aerogel lining and then a sponge lining below that. It will never be damage again :3 (warning, this may cost fucking lots and render your iPhone 4 unusable)

If anything gets to me more it's the price, sure you can have problems with a device, but not at the premium apple charges.
Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Bad news though:

Those who have the problem won't get it fixed via software :<

I'm like: "no shit, Sherlock!", pretty bad taste from Apple, I'm afraid... And they won't even solve the problem for free by offering a free case... I mean.. come on... Tell me they're not fucking around with their customers? I mean its their fucking fault!

"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
that is the best antenna idea ever, i bet someone really will do an antenna mod similar to this lol
You don't say?