Originally Posted by Shemen View Post
why do you guys promote young and imature people to staff ranks ?
(not pointing fingers -.-)
i dont get this selection process

Most staff members are based on language maturity and activity. I wouldn't suggest calling any of them immature, even though some are, they worked for there position and deserve it.

They are the cream of toribash's crop.
Gamekeepers are irrelevant to the market.
I think Tori Shop Admins take care of that (TSAs), And stop asking, it'll be back online when they are done working on it.
Originally Posted by Zinx View Post
Most staff members are based on language maturity and activity. I wouldn't suggest calling any of them immature, even though some are, they worked for there position and deserve it.

They are the cream of toribash's crop.

Going to have to correct you here and say that they are selected more on whether they can do the job competently than anything else. Maturity is just usually a relevant factor.
"Language maturity" is certainly not something I would entirely base my decision on as English may not be a first language, etc.

Questions for the staff (preferably not toriagents/gamekeepers/msquad, who will presumably have no idea anyways)
Do you actively look at the Suggestions forum and funnel any of the inventive or popular suggestions back to hampa and co.?
Will the texture uploader be implemented again at some point?
Why don't we have a new year's banner? ;_;
Will the gamekeepers start doing a theme of the month with plenty of events again?
Will the staff team be opening gamekeeper/ta applications again anytime soon?
What is your password?
Buy TC for a great price here!
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here!

Hey look more than two lines.
''Do you actively look at the Suggestions forum and funnel any of the inventive or popular suggestions back to Hampa and co.?''

I also want to hear answer to this. PC version of TB is so ''sterile'', it needs some new juice.
Is Hampa more oriented toward wii ver of TB right now?
I know that ''developers knew best'' :], but one mind can't have all good ideas. Some sparks of ingenuity can come from forum users. Some things that would never cross his mind.
TB is full of assholes. I'm the worst.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Questions for the staff (preferably not toriagents/gamekeepers/msquad, who will presumably have no idea anyways)
1. Do you actively look at the Suggestions forum and funnel any of the inventive or popular suggestions back to hampa and co.?
2. Will the texture uploader be implemented again at some point?
3. Why don't we have a new year's banner? ;_;
4. Will the gamekeepers start doing a theme of the month with plenty of events again?
5. Will the staff team be opening gamekeeper/ta applications again anytime soon?
6. What is your password?

1. We do, in fact, look at it. (Amazing, isn't it?) I try to strip out a lot of the stuff that would take too much time for nearly no tangible reward, but I have actually approved a few suggestions. I even occasional give them to people that can make them happen. Occasionally, I make them happen, and occasionally avwave comes along and does them for me.

2. I believe this is a feature we will bring back eventually, but I can't give you any timeline. Sorry.

3. Someone's being lazy! Oh no!

4. ...and you don't want Gamekeepers to answer this. Dunno the answer either, since I don't really do anything with the Gamekeepers.

5. I hope not, but I wouldn't rule it out.

6. I forgot.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Can someone describe me how is Hampa as a person? (I would rather like him to tell a few words about himself, but that's hard to happen, right?)
Does he read some forum threads from time-to-time? And if he does, what threads he like?
How would he feel if someone wish to expand his game by fan-made material, adding image of the TB world and that stuff?
TB is full of assholes. I'm the worst.
I have a question -

Then we are making bounty on someone's head,
Why we can do payout? If ive do 99k payout,
whats better for me?
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