Original Post
Another Nabi Replay Contest
Welcome to Another Nabi Replay Contest. :P

This is a replay contest, in which you must preform a 'professional wrestling' move. Some examples: Hurricanarana, Powerbomb, Flying Head Scissors, et cetera. Feel free to search for examples of moves at youtube and such.
It starts today and ends 24 hours after the last replay posted.
Each participant may post up to 4 entries.
There is no entry fee.

mod: either classic, sambo, or boxingring.tbm.
any distance is allowed.
any dismemberment threshold upwards of 100 is permissible.
any fracture threshold upwards of 85 is permissible - you may also choose to disable fractures.
matchframes up to 1500 - but use them entirely, don't just space it.
replay hacking is not allowed.
you may move uke.
everything else is up to you.

When the contest closes, each participant will be sent a pm to vote for his top 3 favorite replays (you may not vote for yourself).
You must vote to be eligible to win.
24 hours after the last vote is cast, i will cast my own vote, marking that voting is closed, and the winners will be declared.

The prizes:
25,000 toricredits for the first place winner
15,000 toricredits for the second place winner
10,000 toricredits for the third place winner

Enjoy, and good luck.
-Your host, Psy-T

p.s. anyone who replicates this move will probably get my vote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BQVTfSPHww
Last edited by Psy-T; May 18, 2008 at 09:33 PM.
1. Esse - Wrestling_1 (Powerbomb) <- funny and well done
2. Moltex - #GotLuv (Inverted Hurricanarana) <- easily the best replay if it wasn't for the slow framerate
3. madmanmad (mMm)_sambo_powerbomb (Chokeslam) <- just plain cool :p

my 3. vote was a close call between that one and odlov's gtfo.
honorable mention goes to Gynx's DDT, and another to Yasiou & Smilies for their hurricanaranas.
final results:
yasiou 12
psy-t 11
toritori9 9

esse 7
moltex 6
madmanmad 6
phoenix333 5
smilies2 5
littodude 3
odlov 3
rip2 2
nike3 2
archarrow 2
rawksonic 1
gynx 1

since yasiou didn't vote, and since me winning my own prize would be ridiculous, tt9 gets 1st place prize, esse gets 2nd place prize, and moltex gets 3rd place prize (i know madmanmad is tied with him, but he didn't vote either).

congrats guys
Last edited by Psy-T; May 28, 2008 at 02:33 PM.
Woot, I win.
Well, 3rd place at least.
At least I still won something.

Thanks for a great contest psy-t.

EDIT: Actually 1st place. Well, this is good. Very good.
Last edited by toritori9; May 28, 2008 at 02:35 PM.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!

Having gotten an Internet connection finally at my brother's house (all my computers are out of commission currently), I wanted to post a quick note to say I'm sorry I wasn't able to vote in time for this, but if I had voted it was going to be for Yas, Psy, Moltex, which would have cleared up the tiebreaker anyways

Again, my apologies for the delay in responding/voting in this contest, congratulations to the winners, and many thanks to Psy-T for hosting this cool and different competition.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
it's not the number of votes, rather, the tally of points.
(a 1st place vote equals 3 points, a 2nd place equals 2 points, a 3rd place equals 1 point)