for dogface your activity will help us and your just mad like me so i say yes
for Lactic you gotta nice application you seems got hard to do that so yes
nathanjw we could use you so yes lol
for urban wtf is wrong for having to much members and thats nothing there is a clan got 70 member we have low members
but iam happy cause they are getting more
please for all guys who wanna send money send to :
INB4 14 days ban
First name: Nathan
Country: Wales
Belt: I have two blue belts

Description about yourself: I play Toribash a lot and i mostly play Judo and Wushu.

Why you want to join: Because i have been playing toribash for a while now and want to join a clan to help out and my friend is in this clan.
Yes for magmaborus i think is is a cool player for lactic i vote yes i was playing with him in a tourney and he is pro yes for dogface, i like his application for nathanjw :PP mmmm... i dont know :P but i think that he will help us :P i vote yes for him.
and i will donate 2k for the clan i would buy something but nvm the clan is more interesting and like i said that i want to help clan
Originally Posted by Squidooo View Post
Lactic has been invited.

Thanks so much, man! How do I become a fully-fleged member?